Polar News & Notes: Sun-Earth Day Celebrates Spring Equinox

March 20 is Sun-Earth Day 2008, an annual event scheduled on or near the date of the spring equinox. It is sponsored by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to engage K-12 schools and the public in space science activities and interactions with space scientists.

This year’s theme is Space Weather Around the World. At the web site, you’ll find resources for teachers (including lesson plans for K-5), a downloadable flyer and a poster, podcasts, an image gallery, and printable books in English and Spanish.  

Some Sun-Earth Day resources will prepare participants to watch a total solar eclipse on August 1 via a live webcast from China.

Posted in Topics: Education, Lesssons and activities, Polar News & Notes, Reading, Science, Technology, Upcoming Opportunities, social studies

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