Archive for April, 2007

Click Fraud: Easily and Frequently Done, Harmful to Both Search Engines and Advertisers

In our discussion of keyword-based advertising, we focused quite a bit on keyword auctions where search engines would sell ad slots to the highest bidding advertisers. In our model, the value of a slot to an advertiser was determined by the expected clickthrough rate multiplied by the value of each click to the advertiser. However, […]

Posted in Topics: Technology

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Game Theory information

There is a very deep ocean of information relating to game theory.  In sticking with my theme of relating classic examples back to class topics, I found an amazing game theory website. has an amazing depth of information and is a great resource for all game theory topics.  If one were interested in combinatorics, they could […]

Posted in Topics: Education, General, Mathematics

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The Profit Motive in Online Social Networks
In Online Social Networks and the Profit Motive, Elizabeth Millard explains entrepreneurs’ wariness in investing in social networks. How exactly does one advertise in an online social network? While financial analysts do see online social networks as promising markets, the question remains how to tactfully and efficiently advertise on such venues. “[Advertising on […]

Posted in Topics: Technology, social studies

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Do Steroids Explain the Home Run Spike?

There is one issue on which virtually every member of the baseball punditry agrees: steroids ruined baseball in the 1990s. Players took the illegal drugs because they made them stronger, and this strength enabled them to hit more home runs, which in turn gave them greater leverage in contract negotiations. Major League Baseball […]

Posted in Topics: General, Mathematics

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Political Information Cascade

Political Information Cascade
The Presidential political race is almost upon us as most notably in the news democratic contenders begin to set their platform agendas. Before either party can rally behind their presidential candidate, the party members through the presidential primary must elect a candidate. The ‘Primary’ as it is known has two phases. First, party […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Cascading Obesity

“Obesity runs in families - and friends, too”, by Alvin Powell of the Harvard News Office, can be found here:
            This article summarizes some of the conclusions made from the Framingham Heart study by Nicholas Christakis, professor of medical sociology at Harvard Medical School and professor of sociology in the Faculty of Arts and […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Applying Network Analysis to Study Supreme Court Precedents

The academic paper entitled The Authority of Supreme Court Precedent: A Network Analysis can be found using the following link:
This academic paper provides an in-depth explanation of how network analysis can be applied to study Supreme Court precedents. A network was constructed that consists of 30,288 majority opinions written by the U.S. Supreme Court […]

Posted in Topics: General

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The Structure of Government and Impact of Information Cascades
In an article called Organizational Hierarchy: Adapting Old Structures to New Challenges, Vladis Krebs says the structure of government is not efficient as it could be because it has not adapted to the agile and creative structures like those seen in the business world.  Krebs uses the example of the hierarchy of the
US intelligence community […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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James Surowiecki on the Unwisdom of Crowds
Rhody writes about the arguements that James Surowiecki revealed in a conference he gave. Surowiecki talks about all the fuss about collective action and collaboration over the last decade with all the new websites. But in a way he looks at the wisdom and use of these type of situations with scepticism. Rhody briefly brings […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Interdependencies Give Way to a Successful Network

Topix Reinvents itself as citizen journalist site
It seems as though user interactive sites, such as Wikipedia or even, have longer lifetimes than read only sites. Following this trend, Topix has transformed itself from a software-based news aggregator site to a citizen journalist hub where site visitors can post whatever news they please.  Prior to […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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