Archive for April, 2007

Information Cascade Experiment

Payoff Effects in Information Cascade Experiments
A question in problem set 5 describes an experiment involving information cascades. Subjects were paid if they can guess correctly whether an urn contain more black balls or more red balls; and they were given a private
signal of a draw of a ball from the urn and the guess of […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Cascading System Failure
The article, “Cascading System Failure,” by John Robb, pulls social networking theory and information cascading ideas from harmless social networks into today’s terrorist groups. Its main points are about modern nations’ fragility in losing key nodes and how it affects their distribution […]

Posted in Topics: Science, Technology, social studies

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‘Broken Windows’: Preventing an Information Cascade
The above article, “Put ‘Broken Windows’ Theory to the Test on Litter,” is an editorial endorsement for a litter-reduction act in North Carolina. The author claims that the state’s excessive litter accumulation is due in part to an information cascade in which people are more apt to litter if there is already trash on […]

Posted in Topics: social studies

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Herding Behavior in Stock Trading
The field of behavioral finance gleans much from the idea of information cascades.  In particular, the herding phenomenon has caught the attention of Dr. Antonio Guarino and Marco Cipriani.  In the case of trading stocks, herd behavior is the act of disregarding a trader’s own private information in favor of previous traders’ actions. The results […]

Posted in Topics: Education, General

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Information Cascades in the Motion Picture Industry modeled by Bose-Einstein distribution

Bose-Einstein Dynamics and Adaptive Contracting in the Motion Picture Industry, Arthur De Vany, W. David Walls
Following from an earlier post about information cascades and the movie industry that referenced Arthur De Vany’s example, I dug up a paper by Arthur De Vany and W. David Walls called “Bose-Einstein Dynamics and Adaptive Contracting in the Motion […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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E85: Why Networks Effects Hinder the use of Ethanol Based Fuel
Article in Wall Street Journal 2 April 2007
“Pump Games: Fill Up With Ethanol? One Obstacle is Big Oil”
The author of this article describes the current situation of the ethanol-based fuel E85 (85% ethanol, 15% gasoline) to replace the use of gasoline in transportation in the United States. Many believe that ethanol fuel is one […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Information Cascade and Peer Pressure

New Study Looks at Peer Pressure and Implications for Preventing

The above article is from The article points out that “friends’ substance use is one of the most powerful influences that lead adolescents to use themselves.” However a three-year Weill Cornell Medical College study found that students with “competence skills had a long-term […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Health, social studies

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Recognition of Cascade Behavior

In a paper titled “Do Individuals Recognize Cascade Behavior of Others? An Experimental Study”, authors Tim Grebe, Julia Schmid, and Andreas Stiehler discuss the information cascade phenomenon and how it can affect people’s value of a choice, subsequently leading to information about people’s knowledge or lack thereof of their whereabouts in a cascade. I will […]

Posted in Topics: General

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My Own (mini) IM Cascade…

The Technology Adoption Lifecycle
When Google Talk came out a few years ago, I jumped right on it.  It had a clean user interface and easy-to-use voice chat.  I coerced a few close friends and family members to download it and give it a try… and it stuck.  Now, granted, that switch was fairly simple for […]

Posted in Topics: Technology

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Linguistic Differences and Diffusion

Presumably, many of us have been to other parts of the country and heard things that sounded weird to our ears, other than just an accent. There are many normal differences we are often aware of, such as the name for a sweet carbonated beverage. In fact, people often rally on this debate, […]

Posted in Topics: Education, social studies

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