Archive for March, 2007

Blizzard continues to strengthen Warcraft networks

World of Warcraft (WoW) is one of the largest and fastest growing Mass-Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPG) with over 7 million users spread across more than 200 different servers. This is due mostly to the revolutionary features that Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. continues to incorporate into the gaming world. With the release of […]

Posted in Topics: Technology

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eBay makes friends with Bebo

 Original Article

eBay is partnering with Bebo to allow users of the social networking site to list auction items on their profiles.The agreement will allow Bebo’s 30m members to detail items they want to buy or sell. Clicking the link will take visitors directly to eBay’s own pages, the Wall Street Journal said.eBay hatched the plan […]

Posted in Topics: social studies

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Price Match Guarantees Bypass Free Market Competitive Forces
In class, we have studied the fundamentals of game theory and several real-world situations which have been analyzed and/or predicted with game theory. In the article, Failing to Suspect Collusion in Price-Matching Guarantees: Consumer Limitations, Chatterjee, Heath, and Basuroy describe their experiment where they investigated how effectively consumers recognized collusive situations in retail environments.
Price Match […]

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Can Network Theory Thwart Terrorists?

This article talks about how “network theory” can be used to find terrorists. People studying networks have found “surprising commonalities” between airline routes, people’s interactions at cocktail parties, and crickets’ synchronization of their chirps. These people study networks to have an easier time figuring out non-trivial patterns. New algorithms are being developed […]

Posted in Topics: Technology, social studies

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Physics-based Approach to Modeling Social Networks

So far we have discussed very basic mathematical methods in analyzing social networks, using basic graph theory and other mathematics traditionally used in network study. This paper* presents an analysis of social networks using a strictly physical analogy—that is, applying laws of kinematics within a closed set of people to show that clear social […]

Posted in Topics: Mathematics, Science

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Using Network Epidemiology to Model the Spread of SARS 
In November 2002, a respiratory disease occurred in
China, and within eight months spread to over 25 countries, taking over 700 lives.  The cause of the disease, which came to be known as the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), was a never before seen coronavirus, and its rapid spread became the subject of study in the […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Adversary Network Analysis in Intelligence Gathering

Some of my colleagues posted earlier about the applications of network analysis in the context of counter-terrorism and national security. BigT referenced a fascinating article by network analyst Valdis Krebs, Uncloaking Terrorist Networks , in which Krebs used public domain knowledge available shortly after the September 11th attacks to identify Mohamed Atta as […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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