Archive for March, 2007

Quorum sensing 
This article describes recent quorum sensing research in bacteria and its connection with social networks.  Quorum sensing is the ability of bacteria groups to communicate and coordinate behavior through signaling molecules and pathways.  This phenomenon is what enables bacteria colonies to accumulate enough bacteria to act, developing infections, illnesses, and biofilms.  Studying quorum sensing has […]

Posted in Topics: Health, Science

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Using The Web As A Tool To Solve Crimes
The article from USA Today Web sites host wealth of crime-solving clues goes into detail about how web services such as Xanga, MySpace, Facebook, and You Tube are being used to investigate and identify criminals.  It starts by discussing a specific case where a family posted video evidence of a family member’s murderer fleeing the […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Technology

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More Powerful Social Networking Tools
Connectors play a great role in bringing people and ideas together. But it’s not always easy to find a reasonable path along a network to another person with the resources or ideas one may be looking for. There are however some ingenious solutions to this problem. The above article mentions a few companies such […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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New Ties Weaken Old Ties

A recent article in The Washington Post entitled In High-Tech World, Access To Students Still Difficult discusses the idea that technological progress often hinders college officials’ ability to communicate quickly and effectively with the school’s students, especially in emergency situations.  Students are adopting more and more modes of communication, but there is no standard, reliable method of communication […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Social Networks in World of Warcraft
World of Warcraft (WoW for short) is the world’s leading MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role playing game), captivating over 6 million people around the world.  While many would brush aside WoW or any other online game as a gross waste of time that drags people away from real life friendships and relationships, Nicholas Yee and […]

Posted in Topics: General, Technology

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Six Degrees of Separation
Stanley Milgram believed that any individuals of a large population are connected via a few intermediate acquaintances.  His hypothesis and subsequent study lead to the idea of “six degrees of separation” because on average any two people could be connected with six acquaintances.  While this study became well known throughout popular culture, it is […]

Posted in Topics: Education, social studies

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Networks of the 21st Century

Networks of the 21st Century
Communications in the world two decades ago would not even be recognizable by today’s standards, especially in the business world. Businesses today not only deal with local or regional concerns, but many face network problems and logistics in global markets. How do these multinational corporations maintain fast, secure and reliable […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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The Semantic Web

The picture of the web as a network is simple and intuitive. Indeed, you’ll find many useful applications where a simple model of the web is sufficient to obtain useful results. Just look at Google: internally it models the web just as we have described it in class. Yet Google achieves its success by using […]

Posted in Topics: Technology

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Optimal bluffing strategies in simplified games of poker
 In this paper, the author discusses the optimal bluffing strategies for players in a simplified version of poker.  We say that player A bluffs if he bets in a hand where he is certain to have the worst hand, i.e the only way he can win the hand is by forcing the other player to […]

Posted in Topics: Mathematics

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Future of Social Networking?

In a recent NY Times article, Social Networking’s Next Phase, the future of online social networking is discussed. It seems that the online social networking craze will be headed in a different direction, according to sources such as Cisco and the co-creator of Netscape. Because Facebook and MySpace are immensely popular networks, many […]

Posted in Topics: Technology

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