Archive for the 'Technology' Category

Dell Chooses Ubuntu

Just a few days ago, Dell announced an initiative to offer Ubuntu Linux on a line of its desktop and notebook computers. This has a broad range of implications for the future of Linux. While driver support is sometimes hit or miss in the Linux world, hardware should be fully supported on these […]

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This is Digg!

As previously mentioned by jmholloway, the spread of the HDDVD decryption key on Digg forced the site to a crucial decision.
To briefly explain, the key to decrypt the AACS encryption on HDDVDs spread on a myriad of websites, including Digg. The hexadecimal code was posted in news articles and comments throughout Digg, and each […]

Posted in Topics: Technology

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Condemned to Googlehell?

Going back to the topic of page rank, and the illusive Google search algorithms, did you know that your website could end up in “Googlehell”? Googlehell refers to the supplemental index which has been created to “store” websites that the Google search algorithm deems of “low quality” or websites that seem they are artificially designed […]

Posted in Topics: Education, Technology

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Dell Pays Tribute to Digg with New IdeaStorm Site

As the semester is winding down, the latest topic to arise in the course is voting, and its implications within social networks. A great example of this, and its influence on contemporary social networking, can be viewed with Dell’s new IdeaStorm site. [1] The site, opened in February, has […]

Posted in Topics: Technology

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A Cascade of Criminal Acts

Earlier this evening, I navigated to the popular website earlier to see what was buzzing around the Internet tonight. I was quite surprised to find that there were few, if any, legitimate stories on the front page. Every story was a posting of the (fairly) recently discovered key to “crack” the encryption […]

Posted in Topics: Technology, social studies

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Zune: A Product REQUIRING A Network Effect
Late last year, Microsoft launched its new mp3 player, “Zune”, with an interesting catchphrase - “Welcome To The Social”. Its new, killer-app-wannabe technology was a system to interact wirelessly (using 802.11b) with other Zune users to download and listen to music that they had on their own Zunes.
Unfortunately for Microsoft, they’re fighting a […]

Posted in Topics: Technology

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Bringing the Social Network to You

As social networking sites become more popular, new companies are trying to break away from the computer to create a more mobile, web-based network.  A recent article in the New York Times highlights two new websites that have brought social networking websites to users’ cellphones.
The first site is called Kyte (  It allows users […]

Posted in Topics: General, Technology

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Scalability of the Centralized Storage and Query Model

In a recent Wired interview[i], Fred Vogelstein asked Google CEO Eric Schmidt about the current number and future scale of Google’s data centers, to which Schmidt responds, “I think my overall description would be in the dozens. There are a few very large ones, some of which have been leaked to the press. But in […]

Posted in Topics: Mathematics, Science, Technology

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Will we continue to use was at one point generally perceived as the largest and most popular social networking site, but what does that really mean for its uses for the future?
For example, its use as a learning tool. So, there are always these stories regarding both sides for social networking sites, either schools(teachers, professor, officials) are pro or […]

Posted in Topics: Technology, social studies

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Unsettled Day On Campuses Around U.S.
This article was written a bit after the shooting at Virginia Tech, and talks about the tension in other universities and schools across the nation in the days following the attack. Many schools canceled classes in response to various threats and suspicious activities. These incidents highlight the way in which diffusion and network effects, as […]

Posted in Topics: Education, General, Technology

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