Archive for the 'social studies' Category

Information Cascades in Presidential Primaries

New York Times article about new 2008 presidential primary schedule:
Before election season even begins, why do prospective presidential nominees spend so much time in Iowa and New Hampshire? What is so important about Iowa and New Hampshire that causes politicians to flock there months (now, years) before an election is even on the horizon? […]

Posted in Topics: social studies

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Effects of Stochastic Errors on Evolutionary Behavior

In our brief introduction to evolutionary game theory, we defined an evolutionarily stable strategy roughly as one that tends to drive a fractionally small population of mutant strategies to extinction over time. Our setting for investigating this idea was the Hawk-Dove game played between behaviorally instinctive animals; here we saw that successive generations of […]

Posted in Topics: Mathematics, Science, social studies

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A Cascade of Criminal Acts

Earlier this evening, I navigated to the popular website earlier to see what was buzzing around the Internet tonight. I was quite surprised to find that there were few, if any, legitimate stories on the front page. Every story was a posting of the (fairly) recently discovered key to “crack” the encryption […]

Posted in Topics: Technology, social studies

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Effect of “Social Norms” on Energy Usage

Energy Use Study Demonstrates Remarkable Power of Social Norms
An interesting extension of the “information cascade” effect. Researchers found that, given information about other people’s energy usage, people will likely adjust their own energy usage to match the “social norm” as presented to them. A study was done on a group in California to observe […]

Posted in Topics: Science, social studies

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Increasing Skepticism of Consumer Reviews & Information Cascades

Over a month ago, a blog post written about customer reviews on carpets made it to the front page on with 569 diggs. The blogger noticed on that three comments posted within the span of three months seemed to be very similar. He noted:

“I suppose it could be the same person who made […]

Posted in Topics: social studies

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Will we continue to use was at one point generally perceived as the largest and most popular social networking site, but what does that really mean for its uses for the future?
For example, its use as a learning tool. So, there are always these stories regarding both sides for social networking sites, either schools(teachers, professor, officials) are pro or […]

Posted in Topics: Technology, social studies

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Interplay between Network Structure and Evolutionary Game Theory

The article “Scale-Free Networks Provide a Unifying Framework for the Emergence of Cooperation” by F.D. Santos and J.M. Pacheco suggests that structure of a network influences which strategies evolve within a population. Two games one of which is familiar to our class – the prisoner’s dilemma and a variation called “the snowdrift game”- are […]

Posted in Topics: General, Mathematics, Science, social studies

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Evolutionary Game Theory & Linguistics

An information cascade occurs when individuals adopt a new behavior based on the signals and actions of individuals surrounding them. We can also treat this propagation of a new behavior throughout a network as games played between individuals in which the superior strategy is “passed down” to individuals in the “outer levels” of the network. […]

Posted in Topics: Education, social studies

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Online Sports Auctioning at

I have been a major league baseball fan for years, but it was not until last week during one of my routine visits to my favorite baseball team’s website (which shall remain nameless as I am embarrassed by their performance), that I realized a small ad in the lower left corner of the screen. […]

Posted in Topics: General, social studies

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The Tipping Point in the Political Underground

At the beginning of this month, a clever illustration of the power of information cascades was carried out in the even seedier underground of politics: partisan blogging. As Josiah Roe, Executive VP of Coptix, Inc., which provides backup DNS hosting for sites such as “”, writes, his company decided decided to do a little […]

Posted in Topics: General, social studies

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