Archive for the 'General' Category

Translation of Informational Networks to Rural Settings
In this research paper of UIUC, it is noticed that rural communities use modern social websites (ie facebook, myspace) in different ways than urban communities.
The social network of rural communities differ from the social network of urban communities . In general, rural communities are known to have more strong ties while urban communities are […]

Posted in Topics: General, social studies

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World of WarGraph
With 10 million active accounts, World of Warcraft (WoW) is the most successful massive multiplayer online (MMO) game out there on the market.  One reason for the success of the game is that it caters to many different types of players.  People that want to solo, people that want to tackle the end-game dungeons (player […]

Posted in Topics: General, Technology

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The Power of Plastic: A New Corporate Gatekeeper?

The power of gatekeepers on the corporate level is undeniable. In the software industry Microsoft holds most of the power. The reason; the Windows operating system is by far the most widely used platform. If software companies want to reach the consumers they will do well to do so through a Windows compatible program. Users […]

Posted in Topics: General

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Article link: 
This article talks about the difficulties of quiting Many people who have joined Facebook and no longer want an account there find it difficlt to completely get rid of it and only finds a solution to “deactivate” their account. By deactiviating the account, the information is still stored by Facebook, and your […]

Posted in Topics: General, Technology

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Game Theory - Not Applicable In All Situations

        In this article, the author describes the entrance of a new competitor into the mobile market.  In particular, in Great Britain, a new company, Hutchison 3G has attempted to break into the ultra-competitive wireless communications industry.  However, as expected, they have had a considerable amount of difficulty persuading customers to leave their […]

Posted in Topics: Education, General, Mathematics, Technology, social studies

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Gaza Violence and Its Connection to Game Theory
This news article is mainly on reporting the escalating violence between Israel and Palestine.  The news article reports that Israel has launched an air-strike in response to the rocket attacks from militants of Palestinian terrorist group, Hamas.  The Israeli air-force targeted Gaza in attempt to terminate the Palestinian terrorist group, which resulted in death of […]

Posted in Topics: General

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Game Theory in Starcraft:Broodwar Build Order
The link above is a pdf file that describes how game theory is used to make games more interesting. As an example, the balance among the three races of Starcraft:Broodwar showed up. The three races are Zerg, Terran, and Protoss. One of the reasons that this computer game has been such a hit is that […]

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dumb chickens
The link above describes a variation of the Hawk/Dove game theory, as presented in a popular James Dean movie. In this game, there is no dominant strategy for each player. Two people drive their cars towards a cliff or each other; the first person to jump out is the chicken, while the last is the […]

Posted in Topics: General

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Tapping into Social Networks for Better Reporting

Reporters tap into social networks and find gold
Social networking websites have certainly gained prominence in the past several years. Less than a decade ago, social networking sites were practically unheard of. Now, MySpace, Facebook, and their lesser-known competitors play a major role in the lives of over 300 million people. With such a large […]

Posted in Topics: General

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Toshiba Drops HD DVD as Blu-ray Gains Power

    Recently, Toshiba has announced that it will stop developing HD DVD products and will drop out of the high-definition DVD market.  This was due to several recent changes in the market, mainly the decisions of several large media companies such as Walmart and Netflix to abandon HD for Blu-ray.  This situation is analogous […]

Posted in Topics: General, Technology

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