Archive for the 'Education' Category

Information Cascades: from emmigration to religion
After searching for a long time for an interesting article relating to information cascades I found this. This article discusses the underlying reasoning behind mass emigration from one area to another. It takes an approach similar to the one we took in class going through the basic reasoning […]

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Viral Marketing
This article talks about a popular way of advertising called viral marketing. This technique has become increasingly more popular in recent years. Viral marketing is a way of advertising that uses already existing social networks to increase brand awareness. It is spread in a viral process, similar to pathological and computer viruses, usually by some […]

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In the March 4th, 2008 issue of the Cornell Daily Sun, columnist Ben Birnbaum wrote an article entitled The Audacity of Hype. In the article, he discusses the trend, especially of the younger generation, of supporters of Senator Barack Obama for the Democratic nomination to lack any substantial reason to support his nomination. The author […]

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In the March 4th, 2008 issue of the Cornell Daily Sun, columnist Ben Birnbaum wrote an article entitled The Audacity of Hype. In the article, he discusses the trend, especially of the younger generation, of supporters of Senator Barack Obama for the Democratic nomination to lack any substantial reason to support his nomination. The author […]

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Networks in the Pizza Market

Over Spring Break, you may have noticed that Pizza prices have become higher in some pizza parlor around the country. Are these arbitrary events, or are they the results of interaction of a complex economic network?
Given what we have learned in ECON 204, it is not surprising that the rise of pizza prices are not […]

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Information Cascades in Magic
The preceeding link is an interesting look at information cascading gone wrong. The presented example is about Magic: The Gathering (a popular trading-card game). MTG is popular enough to receive scrutinous examination from a set of hard-core fans. Some of these fans are renowned enough to encourage followers – i.e. many players will play the […]

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Digg as a Game
In this article, the author analyzes why and how users artificially inflate their digg scores on articles. Digg, for those not familiar with it, is a site that people join and post articles, pictures or videos that they found interesting and the other members of the digg community vote on whether or not the article […]

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This article shows how important online social networks have become. Some of the largest software/tech companies found it necessary to join together in an effort to minimize the differences between using most of the more popular social networking websites. Yahoo joined in the OpenSocial campaign, created by Google. OpenSocial “defines a common […]

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RE: Information Cascades and Pop Culture

Given our recent in class discussion of social network effects and the similarities of these topics with my interests as an ISST major, I absolutely have to comment on the post made by my classmate earlier today entitled “Information Cascades and Pop Culture” and more specifically the referenced NY Times article from Dunken J. Watt’s […]

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I’d like to buy 10,000 copies of my own book please

In 1995, the two management consultants who wrote the book Discipline ordered 10,000 plus copies of their book from many small bookstores scattered across the country [1]. Likewise in 2002, David A. Vice a reporter for the Washington Post ordered 20,000 copies of his book from and later returned 17,500 of them[2]. The obvious […]

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