Archive for the 'Education' Category

Networks & the Phenomenon of “The Rich-Get-Richer”

Everyone has heard of the phrase “the rich-get-richer”, as it is often used to describe the inequality in economics. This theory cannot only be applied to economics, but it is also used in understanding networks and their power laws. When a network has a certain number of nodes, it usually gains new connections in proportion […]

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A Solution to the Information Cascade Problem for Online Polls
The problems caused by information cascades are clearly exemplified in the case of popular websites that display videos submitted by web-users for viewing by the general public. Most of these sites allow users to rank the videos, which are then sorted based on these ranks and the number of times they were viewed. The idea […]

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Movie Marketing Strategy

In their essay Movie Marketing Strategy Formation with System Dynamics: Towards a multi-disciplinary adoption/diffusion theory of cinema-going, authors David Lane and Elke Hussman provide a thorough review of the adoption/diffusion mechanism and propose a model of “reinforcing and balancing loops” to explain the process. We discussed cinema-advertising as an example of adoption/diffusion during class, and […]

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Diffusion in a 19th century German town

Lothar Krempel and Michael Schnegg (2005) “About the Image: Diffusion Dynamics in an
Historical Network”, Structure and Dynamics: eJournal of Anthropological and Related Sciences:
Vol. 1: No. 1, Article 10.
This paper discusses how the structure of a social network influences history and the spread of ideas in a medium-sized German town.  This is accomplished by creating and […]

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Information Cascades in the Laboratory vs. Real Life

Informational Cascades in the Laboratory: Do They Occur for the Right Reasons?
(Postscript reader/Download required)
This is an older article about information cascades and how laboratory experiments can give results which coincide with theory, but perhaps may not be for the right reasons. There are more than a few sources which I have read which […]

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Virus Diffusion
We’ve been discussing network diffusion in class recently – namely, how a trend propagates throughout a network. The paper above analyzes viruses, one such “trend.” It explores the effect of tightly- and loosely-knit networks on several types of viruses. Specifically, the paper compares biological viruses, computer viruses, and viral marketing.
The paper first identifies two extremes […]

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Word Of Mouth Advocacy Drives Growth In Businesses
This paper summarizes the results of a study conducted on the effects of word of mouth advocacy on the growth of businesses. The study observed word of mouth communication in two areas: Postive Word of Mouth (PWOM) and Negative Word of Mouth (NWOM). The authors used a point scoring system developed by Net Promoter […]

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Information Cascade Experiment

Payoff Effects in Information Cascade Experiments
A question in problem set 5 describes an experiment involving information cascades. Subjects were paid if they can guess correctly whether an urn contain more black balls or more red balls; and they were given a private
signal of a draw of a ball from the urn and the guess of […]

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Herding Behavior in Stock Trading
The field of behavioral finance gleans much from the idea of information cascades.  In particular, the herding phenomenon has caught the attention of Dr. Antonio Guarino and Marco Cipriani.  In the case of trading stocks, herd behavior is the act of disregarding a trader’s own private information in favor of previous traders’ actions. The results […]

Posted in Topics: Education, General

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Information Cascades in the Motion Picture Industry modeled by Bose-Einstein distribution

Bose-Einstein Dynamics and Adaptive Contracting in the Motion Picture Industry, Arthur De Vany, W. David Walls
Following from an earlier post about information cascades and the movie industry that referenced Arthur De Vany’s example, I dug up a paper by Arthur De Vany and W. David Walls called “Bose-Einstein Dynamics and Adaptive Contracting in the Motion […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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