Archive for the 'Education' Category

Billionaire NBA Owner’s Gamble On Hedge Fund Faces Long Odds
Carl Bialik’s article on billionaire Mark Cuban’s idea for a hedge fund related to point spreads is very interesting in terms of arbitrage and online gambling. Just recently, the US outlawed online gambling, forcing many poker and betting sites to close. As someone who has been to Las Vegas and made many bets, […]

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University Rankings as Symmetry Breaking

Let’s suppose for a moment, (this is purely hypothetical, of course) that there is a small group of elite institutions of higher education. And suppose that each is about of equal caliber, each attracting roughly the same quality of students. This would present us with a perfectly symmetric system, a veritable boulder sitting […]

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Analyzing and Designing Networks

I chose to review a paper by Milo, Itzkovitz, Kashtan, Reuven, Levitt, Shen-Orr, Ayzenshtat, Sheffer, and Alon titled “Superfamilies of Evolved and Designed Networks.” This paper tackles the problem of how to characterize networks despite vast differences in scale. It accomplishes this by identifying “network motifs” within the structure of various networks. Here a […]

Posted in Topics: Education, General, Mathematics, Science

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Symmetry Breaking in Tragic Violence

Slight changes to a balanced system can a dramatic effect.  The shooting at Virginia Tech is on all of our minds.  People want answers to understand why this tragedy happened.  While the world will most likely never know the true reasons Cho Seung-Hui lost control and killed over 30 innocent people, we can expect speculations.   […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Chatting Not Enough? Now You Can Duke It Out Through AimFight!

AimFight is a new AOL website created as an extension for AOL Instant Messenger (AIM). Each AIM user has a “Buddy List,” in which all of the user’s online friends are listed. From this one can construct a time-dependent social network in which users are nodes and edges are directed one-way between nodes if one […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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“SUPA-STAHH!” Is it talent via the power law that brings musical success, or just a tone-deaf following?

In his paper, Superstardom in Popular Music: Empirical Evidence, William A. Hamlen, Jr. talks about the two views of the popular music market. (If that link doesn’t work, try here. You might need to access through the Cornell library system.) I have come across both views as well in my perusal of scholarly articles on […]

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Dell gives customers what they want: Windows XP, not Vista
Dell Inc. declared on April 19, 2007, that it will once again offer Windows XP to its customers when they purchase certain new machines. When Windows Vista first launched in January of this year, Dell stopped offering Windows XP on most home desktops and laptops. By the end of March, the company only offered […]

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Blu Ray and HD DVD’s- Who needs them?
Since the advent of Napster and digital music in the mid 1990’s, CD sales have decreased dramatically, declining in accelerating amounts since 2003. Now, with videos and movies becoming increasingly available over the Internet, will a similar decline in sales of DVD’s be observed? Already Wal Mart provides a digital video download service, […]

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Statistical Discrimination in Fantasy Sports Leagues

Statistical discrimination is the concept of using the average behavior of a group to judge an individual representative of that group. Some forms of statistical discrimination are common, such as charging smokers and non-smokers different health insurance rates. However, statistical discrimination is harmful when it does not rely on sound statistics, veiled racism, […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Randomness and Network Effects in Popular Music

This New York Times Magazine Article ”Is Justin Timberlake a Product of Cumulative Advantage?” discusses how the entertainment industry relies on the hitting it real big with a blockbuster to offset many failed investments. But, what causes one artist to became enormously popular is hard to explain and explains why studio executives so bad at predicting which of their […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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