Archive for the 'Education' Category

The Yahoo!-Microsoft merger: A perfect example of tendency towards balanced networks.

One big story from a few weeks ago was Microsoft’s big offer to acquire Yahoo! in its bid to expand its power in the market of online services and advertising. Most notably, this would give them a big leg up in their battle against Google, their main competitor in this field.
Consider the situation prior to […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Number Portability and more

          I was recently informed of several service companies which perform tasks that directly relate to several of our class discussions and topics.  There are numerous companies which make a profit by running switchboards between various wireless and land line phone companies.   Without getting technical (because it would not be that much fun to read […]

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Keeping Options Open

Try playing this game:
In this door game, you are given the choice to click on one of three doors. You only have 50 clicks to use, so you must use your clicks wisely. All the doors start out closed, and you must click on a door to open it. Opening one door closes the […]

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Change Comes to eBay’s Trading Network

eBay has been in the news lately for a recent revision to its fee structure for sellers. Being one of the largest established trading networks, eBay has a lot of long-time users, some of who did not take kindly to the fairly radical changes in its auction rules. In fact, some sellers even went so far as to organize […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Ecosystem Systems Theory analyzes the interactions of people in networks encompassed in an ecosystem or certain environment. Schools serve as interesting domains for such studies because children undergo many changes in their relationships during periods in their lives, such as during elementary school. The attached article discusses the ways in which a teacher can deal […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Ecosystem Systems Theory analyzes the interactions of people in networks encompassed in an ecosystem or certain environment. Schools serve as interesting domains for such studies because children undergo many changes in their relationships during periods in their lives, such as during elementary school. The attached article discusses the ways in which a teacher can deal […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Ecosystem Systems Theory analyzes the interactions of people in networks encompassed in an ecosystem or certain environment. Schools serve as interesting domains for such studies because children undergo many changes in their relationships during periods in their lives, such as during elementary school. The attached article discusses the ways in which a teacher can deal […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Ecosystem Systems Theory analyzes the interactions of people in networks encompassed in an ecosystem or certain environment. Schools serve as interesting domains for such studies because children undergo many changes in their relationships during periods in their lives, such as during elementary school. The attached article discusses the ways in which a teacher can deal […]

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Wuala: A Distributed File System
Many computer science industry experts believe that  in the future a personal computer will consist of just an internet connection, mouse, keyboard and screen. All of your files, programs and even your operating system will live on some remote server, which means you will be able to access the exact same information regardless of where […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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To Sell, or Not to Sell?;_ylt=AuboER25i9_MynoqFqv_R3ys0NUE 
In this recent article, the value of houses across the nation has dropped significantly, especially in the last quarter of 2007 when compared to previous years. Banks are repossessing the homes at an alarming rate, and pretty soon there may be a need for increased helped from the government. The reality is that unlike previous […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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