Archive for the 'Education' Category

MAD Game Theory

The United States government employed (directly or indirectly) many of the pioneers of game theory, and much of their time was spent considering the distinctly game-theoretic problems the Cold War presented. The Cold War was in some senses a game like any other in game theory, albeit on a much larger scale and with much […]

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Homo Economicus?

In “What was I thinking?” Elizabeth Kolbert reviews a new book by MIT economist Dan Ariely, “Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions” (Harper, 2008). Kolbert begins her piece by describing a seemly irrational act of purchasing an additional book from Amazon simply to get free shipping. Throughout her review, she […]

Posted in Topics: Education, General

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FCC Auctions Rights To New Wireless Network

Google’s Wireless Auction Play
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is currently auctioning the rights to build a new wireless network. The current frontrunners in the bidding, which began on January 24th and will end soon, are AT&T and Verizon. Google was previously in contention, but withdrew after its bid of 4.7 billion was surpassed. […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Bring Out Your Dead: Epidemiology, Transportation Networks and Migration Patterns

Watching Monty Python the other day, I found my thoughts wandering once again back to Networks 204 and Gladwell’s description of a syphilis epidemic in Baltimore: how it spread from the projects along local highways during summer months and contracted during the winter. Explicitly drawing a connection between contagious viral diseases and transportation networks […]

Posted in Topics: Education, General, Health, Science, Technology, social studies

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Visual Attention to Online Search Engine Results

The emerging field of analyzing internet search behavior is important in many disciplines, but it becomes especially relevant for advertisers wishing to sell products to consumers.  In constructing websites that would potentially be attractive to consumers, one may assume that advertisers would seek to maximize the directness and ease of finding information while still […]

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Should You Get Paid to Facebook?
Social networking websites such as Facebook and MySpace make 20 millions dollars a month selling advertising space on their website. Yet, Facebook’s 50 million members do not benefit from any of the company’s earnings. Now, there is a social networking website, called Yuwie, that shares more than half of its advertising revenue with […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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Hello Kitty[hawk]: Internet.exe$FILE/Kittyhawk%20OSR%2008.pdf
Once upon a time there was a computer. Then there were many. Eventually it seemed like a good idea to hook them up. And so the Internet was born. So far we’ve considered the growth of the Internet in close relationship with the number of computers connected to it. This may all be about to […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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How Text Messaging has Changed the Family Network

Text Generation Gap: U R 2 Old (JK)
New York Times
By Laura A. Holson
March 9, 2008 
Parents across the nation are becoming increasingly isolated from their children through text messaging. It is becoming more popular for children to send single lines of text dialogue to their parents rather then answering the phone to take their call. Additionally […]

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Social Networking Sites, Not Only Attracting Students but Also the Wealthy

It’s easy to see the effect of the boom of social networking sites on high school and college culture however their effect and use by the older affluent users often goes less noticed. These sites such as Myspace, Facebook, Digg, and Youtube have become the cool thing too do in the younger culture, but what […]

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Disease Networks

In this article scientist discuss what they believe to be the origin of the
AIDS virus in United States. Using a kind of genetic molecular analysis on
blood samples from early aids victims in contrast with the blood from
current Aids victims scientists were able to create a map of the spread of
the Aids virus. There analysis has […]

Posted in Topics: Education

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