TNS Internal:OnRamp/moveBPPBanalysis/drupal/themeANDcontentTypes/contentOrganization/page creation/migrateIssueArticle

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Organizing Content -> Page Creation

Migrating an Issue Article

CVS export from OnRamp's OnFire Distribution System

Labels of data to include:

  "Issue Title","Issue ID","Issue Number","Department Title ","Department ID","Column Title",
    "Column ID","Article Title","URL to Content","Meta Description","Contributor(s) Names",
    "Keywords","Audience","Education Level","NSDL Type","Access Rights","Access Rights URL",
    "Resource URL"

Example values:

  "Polar Plants","March2009","12","Professional Learning","professional",
    "Science Content Knowledge","science","Plants of the Arctic and Antarctic",
    "This article discusses the types of plants found in the Arctic and Antarctic as well as 
      the adaptations that enable their survival in the polar regions' harsh conditions.",
    "Tracey Allen, Clarissa Reeson","plants, vascular, nonvascular, fungi, lichens, algae, 
      Arctic, Antarctic, polar, adaptations","Educator",
    "Elementary School,Early Elementary,Kindergarten,Grade 1,Grade 2,
      Upper Elementary,Grade 3,Grade 4,Grade 5",
    "Reference Material,Nonfiction Reference","Free access",

Parse CVS into Array

Description array Key example array Value (from CVS example)
Issue Title issue_title Polar Plants
Issue ID issue_id March2009
Issue Number issue_num 12
Department Title dept_title Professional Learning
Department ID dept_id professional
Column Title column_title Science Content Knowledge
Column ID column_id professional!science
Article Title article_title Plants of the Arctic and Antarctic
URL to Content content
MetaDescription mdesc This article discusses the types of plants found in the Arctic and Antarctic as well as the adaptations that enable their survival in the polar regions' harsh conditions.
Contributor(s) Names contributors array( Tracey Allen, Clarissa Reeson )
Keywords keywords array( plants, vascular, nonvascular, fungi, lichens, algae, Arctic, Antarctic, polar, adaptations )
Audience audiences array( Educator )
Education Level edlevels array( Elementary School,Early Elementary,Kindergarten,Grade 1,Grade 2,Upper Elementary,Grade 3,Grade 4,Grade 5 )
NSDL Type nsdltypes array( Reference Material,Nonfiction Reference )
Access Rights accesses array( Free access )
Access Rights URL accessurl
Resource URL resourceurl!science

Drupal Import

Create node

The node table holds the title and configurations. The field_data_body table holds the body text and its summary.

Title (node)

Setting up internal title:

  title = 'Issue '.cvs_array['issue_num'].' ('.cvs_array['issue_title'].') - '.
           'Col ('.cvs_array['column_id'].') - '.cvs_array['article_title']

  Issue 12 (Polar Plants) - Col (professional!science) - Plants of the Arctic and Antarctic
Fields in node table:
Field Value Comment
nid generated does conversion program generate this or drupal?
vid generated does conversion program generate this or drupal?
type "ct_iart"
language default "en" - assuming this is the default
title title
uid  ??? where does this come from and what does it mean?
status 1 is this the default
created auto_generated
changed auto_generated
comment default
promote default
moderate default
sticky default
tnid default
translate default


Fields in field_data_body table:
Field Value Comment
entity_type "node"
bundle "ct_iart"
deleted 0 default?
entity_id node->nid
revision_id node->vid
language "en" default?
delta 0 default? Used for repeating fields. Body doesn't repeat.
body_value cvs_array['content'] get_body(cvs_array['content'],true)
stripped down content from content URL (header/footer code removed)
body_summary cvs_array['mdesc']
body_format  ??? No sure how this is determined.

php for getting body from url:

see getBody function in... 

php for generating a node:

NOTE: This may not be accurate. Is 'node' the name of the table and the table is expecting 3 fields? Or is 'node' an abstract concept of a node and db_insert is determining the real table(s) and splitting the fields among the tables as appropriate. More research is needed for this.

//Based on code in: Database abstraction layer 
//  (search for first occurence of db_insert)

// construct node parts
$fields = array(
    'nid'   => 1, 
    'title' => cvs_array['title'], 
    'body'  => get_body(cvs_array['content'],true) );

// create new node

CCK Fields

The following are the CCK fields for Issue Articles.

  • Article Title (text) - 1 only
  • Static Column (node ref) - 1 only
  • Resource URL (text) - 1 only
  • Contributor(s) (node ref) - unlimited

Article Title

Fields in field_data_field_iart_title table:
Field Value Comment
entity_type "node"
bundle "ct_iart"
deleted 0 default?
entity_id node->nid (ex. 55)
revision_id node->vid (ex. 105)
language "en" default?
delta 0 default? Used for repeating fields. Body doesn't repeat.
field_iart_title_value cvs_array['article_title']
field_iart_title_format NULL default?

Static Column

Query to find Static Column:

  // Find taxonomy tid based on column id (ex. professional!science)
  SELECT entity_id 
    FROM field_data_field_tax_dptcol_id 
    WHERE field_tax_dptcol_id_value=cvs_array['column_id']

  tid = result->entity_id

  // Find static column
  SELECT entity_id
    FROM `field_data_taxonomy_vocabulary_2`
    WHERE bundle='ct_sdpt' && taxonomy_vocabulary_2_tid=tid

Fields in field_data_field_iart_scol_node table:
Field Value Comment
entity_type "node"
bundle "ct_iart"
deleted 0 default?
entity_id node->nid (ex. 55)
revision_id node->vid (ex. 105)
language "en" default?
delta 0 default? Used for repeating fields. Body doesn't repeat.
field_iart_scol_node_nid result->entity_id (ex. 21)

Resource URL

Fields in field_data_field_iart_resource_url table:
Field Value Comment
entity_type "node"
bundle "ct_iart"
deleted 0 default?
entity_id node->nid (ex. 55)
revision_id node->vid (ex. 105)
language "en" default?
delta 0 default? Used for repeating fields. Body doesn't repeat.
field_iart_resource_url_value cvs_array['resourceurl']
field_iart_resource_url_format NULL default?


Query to find Contributor(s):

  foreach( cvs_array['contributors'] as contributor{  
    // Find node nid of the contributor based on contributor's name (ex. Tracey Allen)
    SELECT nid
      FROM `node` 
      WHERE TYPE='ct_ctr' && title=contributor

Fields in field_data_field_iart_ctr_node table:
Field Value Comment
entity_type "node"
bundle "ct_iart"
deleted 0 default?
entity_id node->nid (ex. 55)
revision_id node->vid (ex. 105)
language "en" default?
delta 0 | 1 | 2 ... counts up based on number of ctr added
field_iart_ctr_node_nid results->nid (ex. 54)
find based on cvs_array['contributors']
(ex. Tracey Allen, Clarissa Reeson)

Taxonomy Fields

The following are the taxonomy fields for Issue Articles.

  • Issue ID
  • Column ID
  • Keywords
  • Audience
  • Education Level
  • NSDL Type
  • Access Rights
  • Access Rights URL

Issue ID

Query to find taxonomy term:

  SELECT entity_id 
    FROM field_data_field_tax_iss_id 
    WHERE field_tax_iss_id_value=cvs_array['issue_id']

Fields in field_data_taxonomy_vocabulary_1 table:
Field Value Comment
entity_type "node"
bundle "ct_iart"
deleted 0 default?
entity_id node->nid (ex. 55)
revision_id node->vid (ex. 105)
language "und" default?
delta 0 default? Used for repeating fields. Body doesn't repeat.
taxonomy_vocabulary_1_tid result->entity_id (ex. 12)

Column ID

Query to find taxonomy term:

  SELECT entity_id 
    FROM field_data_field_tax_dptcol_id 
    WHERE field_tax_dptcol_id_value=cvs_array['column_id']

Fields in field_data_taxonomy_vocabulary_2 table:
Field Value Comment
entity_type "node"
bundle "ct_iart"
deleted 0 default?
entity_id node->nid (ex. 55)
revision_id node->vid (ex. 105)
language "und" default?
delta 0 default? Used for repeating fields. Body doesn't repeat.
taxonomy_vocabulary_2_tid result->entity_id (ex. 26)


cvs_array['keywords'] is a comma separated list. Each term needs to be found separately. Keywords are free-tags, so if a match is not found, the keyword is added to the list of tags.

Query to find taxonomy term:

  foreach( cvs_array['keywords'] as keyword{  
    SELECT tid 
      FROM taxonomy_term_data 
      WHERE vid=6 && name=keyword
  if results then tid = results->tid
  else {
    create new entry in taxonomy_term_data
    tid = generated tid from new entry
Fields in taxonomy_term_data table:
Field Value Comment
tid generated does conversion program generate this or drupal?
vid generated does conversion program generate this or drupal?
name keyword default?
description NULL default?
weight 0 default?
format NULL default?

Fields in field_data_taxonomy_vocabulary_6 table:
Field Value Comment
entity_type "node"
bundle "ct_iart"
deleted 0 default?
entity_id node->nid (ex. 55)
revision_id node->vid (ex. 105)
language "und" default?
delta 0 default? Used for repeating fields. Body doesn't repeat.
taxonomy_vocabulary_6_tid tid (ex. 838)


Query to find taxonomy term:

  foreach( cvs_array['audiences'] as audience{  
    SELECT tid 
      FROM taxonomy_term_data 
      WHERE vid=7 && name=audience

Fields in field_data_taxonomy_vocabulary_7 table:
Field Value Comment
entity_type "node"
bundle "ct_iart"
deleted 0 default?
entity_id node->nid (ex. 55)
revision_id node->vid (ex. 105)
language "und" default?
delta 0 default? Used for repeating fields. Body doesn't repeat.
taxonomy_vocabulary_7_tid result->tid (ex. 108)

Education Level

Query to find taxonomy term:

  foreach( cvs_array['edlevels'] as edlevel{  
    SELECT tid 
      FROM taxonomy_term_data 
      WHERE vid=14 && name=edlevel

Fields in field_data_taxonomy_vocabulary_14 table:
Field Value Comment
entity_type "node"
bundle "ct_iart"
deleted 0 default?
entity_id node->nid (ex. 55)
revision_id node->vid (ex. 105)
language "und" default?
delta 0 default? Used for repeating fields. Body doesn't repeat.
taxonomy_vocabulary_14_tid result->tid (ex. 696)


Query to find taxonomy term:

  foreach( cvs_array['nsdltypes'] as nsdltype{  
    SELECT tid 
      FROM taxonomy_term_data 
      WHERE vid=15 && name=nsdltype

Fields in field_data_taxonomy_vocabulary_15 table:
Field Value Comment
entity_type "node"
bundle "ct_iart"
deleted 0 default?
entity_id node->nid (ex. 55)
revision_id node->vid (ex. 105)
language "und" default?
delta 0 default? Used for repeating fields. Body doesn't repeat.
taxonomy_vocabulary_15_tid result->tid (ex. 776)

Access Rights

Query to find taxonomy term:

  foreach( cvs_array['accesses'] as access{  
    SELECT tid 
      FROM taxonomy_term_data 
      WHERE vid=10 && name=access

Fields in field_data_taxonomy_vocabulary_10 table:
Field Value Comment
entity_type "node"
bundle "ct_iart"
deleted 0 default?
entity_id node->nid (ex. 55)
revision_id node->vid (ex. 105)
language "und" default?
delta 0 default? Used for repeating fields. Body doesn't repeat.
taxonomy_vocabulary_10_tid result->tid (ex. 247)

Access Rights URL

Query to find taxonomy term:

  SELECT tid 
    FROM taxonomy_term_data 
    WHERE vid=16 && name=cvs_array['accessurl']

Fields in field_data_taxonomy_vocabulary_16 table:
Field Value Comment
entity_type "node"
bundle "ct_iart"
deleted 0 default?
entity_id node->nid (ex. 55)
revision_id node->vid (ex. 105)
language "und" default?
delta 0 default? Used for repeating fields. Body doesn't repeat.
taxonomy_vocabulary_16_tid result->tid (ex. 835)
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