TNS Internal:OnRamp/moveBPPBanalysis/drupal/themeANDcontentTypes/contentOrganization/linking components

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Organizing Content

Linking components of various content types...

Issue content

  • issue (required) - gets assigned to an issue using the Issues Taxonomy

Department content

  • issue (required) - gets assigned to an issue using the Issues Taxonomy
  • department (required) - gets assigned to a department using a 1st level value from the Department & Column Taxonomy

Article content

  • issue (required) - gets assigned to an issue using the Issues Taxonomy
  • department/column (required) - gets assigned to a department & column using a 2nd level value from the Department & Column Taxonomy

Podcast content

  • issue (required) - gets assigned to an issue using the Issues Taxonomy

Image content

  • issue homepage (optional) - get used as the issue home page image by the node reference to it from Issue content
  • department homepage (optional) - get used as a department home page image by the node reference to it from Department content
  • article (optional) - get used in an article by the article creating a link with URL to the image's Drupal URL
  • issue (optional) - gets assigned to an issue using the Issues Taxonomy
  • photogallery (optional) - get assigned to photogallery using value of photogallery from Image Type Taxonomy
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