Pathway meeting outcomes and process/timeline for proposed report to NSF

UPDATE 9/10/2010: 

See Pathways call September 8, 2010 summary, and accompanying Powerpoint. 



The NSDL Pathways meeting 2010 (August 4-5) in Boulder, Colorado concentrated on four breakout group discussions and report out, with whole group discussion after each breakout.  Breakout topics and questions were:

1. Envisioning the learning landscape in 2015. What are the salient features of the landscape? What are the key drivers of chagne? What practices, tools, and models are being used and deployed for different learner audiences in 2015? What/who will be our competition? Where do we need more information to understand this emerging landscape? 

2. Pathways SWOT analysis - Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats. How is your Pathway positioned to respond to the 2015 landscape? What are our individual and collective assets and liabilities? What are the common patterns and unique differences? 

3. Creating the next generation NSDL. How do we move towards the 2015 vision? What infrastructure is needed? What are our recommendations for NSF?  Does the current logic model still stand? What are the next evolutionary and revolutionary steps for Pathways/ RC / TNS / Services? What are the common set of practices and capabilities that will make an effective collaborative? What might future NSDL user interactions look like? How might NSDL's competencies and assets be used differently going forward? What would be the outcomes and  measures of success for individual Pathways and NSDL? Is our vision of NSDL sufficiently broad to allow innovation? 

4. Develop recommendations for an imagined future NSDL solicitation. 


Following the meeting, staff and PIs of the Resource Center and Technical Network Services have met to discuss outcomes and next steps for the preparation of a report to NSF before the end of calendar 2010. 

The proposed process and timeline is outlined below. Comments welcome!

1. Two small teams from RC and TNS, led by Mary Marlino and Tammy Sumner, are analyzing the Pathway Meeting notes, both large and small groups. This analysis will be completed by Tuesday, August 31.

2. RC and TNS will meet again on August 31 to review results, and develop a refined structure for the proposed report to NSF, allowing for additional community input.

3. The information analysis teams will schedule additional interviews with representative Services and Targeted Research PIs on the same Breakout group topics that were discussed at the Pathways meeting.

4. The Pathways call on Wednesday, September 8 (10 am PT, 11 am MT, 12 noon CT, 1 pm ET) will focus on review of the outcomes of the meeting info analysis.

5. An NSDL Brown Bag will be advertised and scheduled for the entire NSDL community for Wednesday, September 22 or Thursday September 23 (TBD; invitations to go out Friday, September 10).

6. As meeting information is synthesized and a report draft structure emerges, these will be posted on the NSDL Community site, with opportunity for additional community discussion.

7. Presentation at Annual Meeting (November 1-3, 2010) of a near-final report draft, and solicitation of additional community input.

8. Targeted report finalization and submission to NSF by November 19, 2010, providing recommendations for NSDL future directions, and significant input for the framing of the 2011 NSDL solicitation process.