Issue 10: Polar Mammals

The January issue of the Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears cyberzine is now available! amnh_logo.jpg

Polar Mammals was co-produced with the American Museum of Natural History, and includes a wide range of engaging and informative content!

Do you want to know more about polar mammals and the adaptations that help them survive in these cold environments? This month’s Science Content Knowledge article includes excerpts from an interview with Dr. Ross MacPhee, researcher and curator at the American Museum of Natural History. Check out these enhanced podcasts, which are also part of the article:

What is a Mammal?

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What Kinds of Mammals Do You Find in the Arctic?

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What Adaptations Enable Mammals to Live in a Polar Environment?

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Read about Dr. MacPhee’s research about woolly mammoths in our Reseacher Stories article.

Of course, this issue also includes lessons and activities, misconceptions and tools for formative assessment, a virtual bookshelf, and informational text written for students. Use the Feature Story, “White Wolf,” as a read-aloud and help your students improve their listening comprehension skills by using templates specifically created for use with the article.

Much more awaits you at Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears…check out Polar Mammals today!

Posted in Topics: Animals, Antarctica, Arctic, Cyberzine Issues, Education, Life Science

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