Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears Issue 8: Polar Festivals

Looking for an exciting way to incorporate polar science into your curriculum? A polar festival might just be your answer! Festivals are flexible, informal learning events that engage students as they learn science through hands-on activity. A festival might be a daylong event for the entire school, or a special family science night.

Our latest issue of Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears - Polar Festivals - Issue 8, November 2008 explores this creative way to squeeze more science into your busy school year. In this month’s issue, discover planning guides, suggested activities, arts and crafts ideas, and ways to incorporate literacy into your event. Of course, we still have our virtual bookshelf and nonfiction stories for students!

Finally, check back in February and March 2009 as we hold our own series of polar festival events! Of course, we’ll announce and report on these events here on the blog. We hope you’ll plan your own special event and share it with us by posting a comment or sending us an email!

Check out Polar Festivals - Issue 8, November 2008 today!

Posted in Topics: Cyberzine Issues, International Polar Year, Science, Writing

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