Polar News & Notes: Beyond Penguins Online Chat at Tapped In

This Thursday, September 4, 2008, at 7 p.m. EDT, Beyond Penguins staff will hold an hour-long chat at Tapped In. Tapped In  is a web-based learning environment created in 1997 by SRI International to transform teacher professional development (TPD) for professional development providers and educators.

The Tapped In interface is easy to use, with no download needed.  The environment is built on the metaphor of a college campus with buildings, floors, conference rooms, special interest groups (over 700!), and offices.

Membership to Tapped In is free. When logged in, you can “chat” in real time (synchronous) or use asynchronous features such as the threaded discussion boards and whiteboards. You can also participate in real time discussions held by various groups. Look for the Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears room!

Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears hosts monthly events in Tapped In in conjunction with the latest cyberzine issue. On Thursday, September 4, we’ll discuss polar geology and teaching geology in the elementary grades by exploring the articles and resources found in Issue 6: Rocks and Minerals. Participating in this event is a great way to learn more about the wide range of content found in our cyberzine, ask questions of project staff, and connect with other teachers nationwide!

We hope you’ll join us at Tapped In on Thursday, September 4, 2008 at 7 pm EDT!

Posted in Topics: Cyberzine Issues, Polar News & Notes, Professional Development, Technology, Upcoming Opportunities

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