Beyond Penguins Web Seminars This Fall

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The National Science Digital Library is starting up its professional development series of free web seminars for educators in partnership with the National Science Teachers Association again on Sept 25th. These 90-minute programs run from 6:30pm-8:00pm Eastern on their specified date. The fall schedule features two seminars related to Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears:

Sept 25th: Celebrating Astronomy: A Star’s Story

Learn about the life cycle of a star, dark matter and other concepts related to 5th-12th grade astronomy

Oct 29th: Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears Series: Physical Science From the Poles

What’s the difference between an ice shelf and an ice sheet, or an iceberg and sea ice? Why do glaciers and icebergs appear blue? How will melting ice in the Polar Regions affect sea level? In this seminar, we’ll explore ice’s many forms in the Arctic and Antarctica and how this real-world context can be used to teach physical science concepts such as states and changes of matter, density, and buoyancy.

Nov 13th: Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears Series: Energy and the Polar Environment

The Polar Regions provide an interesting real-world context for the study of energy: intense seasonal fluctuations in the amount of solar radiation and heat, and the albedo (reflectivity) of the ice caps. Climate change and the declining sea ice of the Arctic are changing the energy balance of this region.

Dec 9th: Chemistry Comes Alive: III—Water

Registration opens in September. More information coming soon.

How to register:

1. Read the list of programs available

2. Click on the link of the program for which you would like to sign up

3. Register for each seminar you want to attend

You’ll receive login info that you will need to log on on the day of the seminar.

See you online!

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