We Need Your Help!

Please consider taking a few moments to help inform our design of future Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears issues and articles! We are currently conducting two online surveys: a general survey about your internet use and a survey about our August Science and Literacy Lessons and Activities article.

The general survey is accessible from the Beyond Penguins home page. This survey will help us understand what types of web 2.0 features and functionalities will best enhance your experience with our content. At the end of this survey, you can enter a monthly drawing for a $50 Amazon gift certificate!

The specific survey is designed to be taken after reading our Science and Literacy Lessons and Activities article. Your responses will provide feedback about the length of the article and the featured lesson plans. This survey is shorter and no drawing is offered for participation. Still, your opinions are extremely important to us!

Again, our magazine can only improve with feedback from you - the teachers and readers who access our content! Please consider taking a few minutes to participate in one or both surveys. We appreciate your help!

Posted in Topics: Cyberzine Issues

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