Beyond Penguins NSTA/NSDL Web Seminar: May 27th

The National Science Teachers Association in partnership with the National Science Digital Library (NSDL) are showcasing the Beyond Penguins and Polar BearsNSDL Annotation magazine in the next free web seminar in the NSDL series:

Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears Series

Integrating Science and Literacy for the K-5 Classroom

Seminar 1: Polar Geography

Tuesday, May 27th, 2008

6:30pm-8:00pm Eastern Time

NSTA Web Seminars are fun and interactive online professional development programs at your desktop that are free and open to educators across the country.

On May 27th, join Jessica Fries-Gaither, a resource specialist with the Ohio State University and Carol Landis, education coordinator for the Byrd Polar Research Center, as they highlight resources and strategies to integrate science and literacy instruction with a focus on polar geography. This seminar is for educators of grades K-5 and is the first of a series to be continued into the 2008-2009 school year.

To register, go to the NSTA Learning Center:

Posted in Topics: Classroom connections, Education, Lesssons and activities, Professional Development, Science

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