Polar News & Notes: Climate Scientist Says Scientists Are Obligated to Defend Good Science

In an opinion piece published in the May issue of Australasian Science, a climate scientist urges his fellow researchers to stand up to those who deny climate change and do more to explain good science to the public. Barry Brook, director of the Research Institute for Climate Change and Sustainability, at the University of Adelaide, points out that those who disseminate disinformation, doubt and unscientific nonsense are able to “leverage the widespread lack of public appreciation of how science operates.”  

Noting that some attempt to deny science’s findings for political or ideological reasons, and in doing so “besmirch science’s public image,” Brook admits that the deniers have become so good at this they can exert influence on policy. He reminds his readers that “the scientific process of theoretical postulates, hypothesis testing, critical evaluation (and re-evaluation) of ever accumulating empirical evidence, model validation and peer review is inherently complex and often technical.”

“Active and forthright public communication of science is not only an obligation of scientists, but a critical necessity,”Brook wrote, and warned: “This is especially true for climate change and environmental sustainability, where we are perilously close to running out of time.”

Posted in Topics: Current News, Earth and Space Science, Polar News & Notes, Scientists in the field

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