Polar News & Notes: Polar Day Web Sites Offers Classroom Activities and More

Wednesday, March 12, 2008 is an International Polar Year Science Day, focusing on Changing Earth; Past, Present, and Future. It will focus on change over geological time, especially in terms of glaciers, ocean-atmosphere interactions, and climate variations. Celebrate the IPY Science Day by interacting with scientists conducting research in the Arctic and Antarctic. Live from IPY is a real-time, interactive event where you can ask questions and view photos! Anyone can register for these events and participation is free! Additionally, the International Polar Year (IPY) education department has created the Changing Earth web page to help teachers and the press observe the third International Polar Day. But, the site has resources for year-round use in the science classroom.  

The focus is on earth history as it is revealed in ice sheets and sediments below polar lakes and oceans. On the web page you will find downloadabe background and activity flyers in many languages. (One activity in the flyer is a 65-million-year timeline made with a 6.5 metre rope, cardboard signs, and markers.) The section of the web page for educators has links to online interviews with scientists, IPY projects that are measuring changes in the earth’s polar regions, and educational resources.

 The next polar day is June 18 and focused on permafrost, biodiversity, hydrology, and snow, all under the theme Land and Life. Web pages produced for the two earlier themed polar days are still available at the web site. Much of the material gathered, especially classroom activities and links to resources, does not go out of date.

Posted in Topics: Education, International Polar Year, Polar News & Notes, Science, Technology, Upcoming Opportunities

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