Polar News & Notes: Upcoming Opportunities

The National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) is holding three free web seminars on the International Polar Year and the living systems in the Arctic and Antarctic. The presenters’ scientists and educators– will share their expertise, answer questions, and provide information that can be used in elementary and middle school classrooms. Each seminar is a stand-alone program. All 90-minute sessions are live and held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. EST on Thursdays. The dates and presenters are:

Seminar I - December 20, 2007 — Dr. Brendan Kelly , program director for Arctic Biology in the Office of Polar Programs at the National Science Foundation (NSF).

Seminar II - January 17, 2008 — Dr. Kathy Gorski, middle school teacher and now an Einstein Fellow in the Office of Polar Programs, NSF.

Seminar III - January 24, 2008 — Dr. Craig Tweedie, professor of biological and environmental sciences with research experience in Antarctica.

Register with NSTA to receive an e-mail confirmation, information about the seminar program, and suggested links to visit in preparation. If you cannot participate in the live sessions, you will be able to find them after the event in the Web Seminars Archive.

Posted in Topics: Education, Polar News & Notes, Professional Development, Science, Technology

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