Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE)

Grant Number: 
NSF provided funding for the initial development of DLESE, now operated by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) on behalf of the education community.
Target Audiences: 
K12 teachers and students, undergraduate and graduate educators and students, curriculum developers, teacher trainers
NCAR Library, NCAR Computational and Information Systems Laboratory, and Digital Learning Sciences at the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) operate DLESE. Numerous community partners contribute resources and collections to DLESE.

Celebrating 10 years of service to the community, DLESE provides access to high quality collections and services. Following substantial funding from NSF, DLESE established a sustainability model to continue these important services to the community of educators and learners.

DLESE Teaching Boxes, classroom-ready instructional units created by collaborations of teachers and scientists, help educators bridge the gap between educational resources and classroom implementation.

Teachable Topics link users to resources specifically chosen to help teach about topics of current interest.

DLESE resources are a key component of the NSDL project, Curriculum Customization Service (CSS), in which curriculum, school district standards, and online resources are packaged with personalization services for K-12 educators.