Call for nominations to NSDL Accessioning Board

The NSDL is convening an NSDL Accessioning Board (NAB), and is seeking nominations for board members. The board is responsible for ensuring that collections meet the criteria prescribed by NSDL policy, and will review and approve collections for accessioning (acceptance) and deaccessioning (pruning). In accordance with the proposed revised NSDL Collections Policy, the board will be comprised of up to five (5) representative members of the NSDL and STEM education community - including educators and science librarians - who do not have explicit conflict of interest in NSDL collection or collection review activities. (Conflict of interest would apply to PIs and/or staff of projects that are current collection contributors to NSDL, including Pathways). Final membership of the NAB will be confirmed by the NSDL Pathways PIs, who are significant community stakeholders and representatives of NSDL.

The NAB will meet when necessary to review collections, and will report to the Director of the NSDL Resource Center (Kaye Howe). It is anticipated that board members will serve two-year terms, and demonstrate an interest, and have experience in, review of digital collections and resources. Members should also have an understanding of the use of digital materials in educational settings.

Interested parties may forward suggestions or self-nominate by emailing the following information to Karon Kelly, NSDL Technical Network Services:  Name, organization, position title, contact information, statement of interest, statement or qualifications, or relevant experience in reviewing digital collections.

Nominations will be accepted through February 5, 2010.