Upcoming NSF proposal deadlines....

DRK-12  - NSF 11-588

The National Science Foundation's DR K-12 program (DRK-12) emphasizes reseaerch projects that "study the development, testing, deployment, effectiveness, and/or scale-up of innovative resources, models and tools...DRK-12 projects are based on theories of learning, prior research and development...Outcomes include usable and scalable resources, models, tools, and contributions to the knowledge about STEM teaching and learning." 

Full proposal deadline: December 6, 2012


STEP - NSF 11-550

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Talent Expansion Program (STEP) - seeks to increase the number of students receiving associate or baccalaureate degrees in established or emerging fields in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. 

Full proposal deadline: December 10, 2012


Cyberlearning - NSF 11-587

Cyberlearning integrates advances in technology with advances in what is knkow about how people learn, including more personalized learning experiences, promote learning among populations not served well by current educational practice, allow access to learning resources anytime anywhere, and provide new ways to assess capabilities. Three categories of project: 

  • Exploratory (EXP)
  • Design and Implementation (DIP)
  • Integration and Deployment (INDP)
  • Capacity-Building projects (CAP)
  • Cyberlearning Resource Center (CRC)


EXPs:  December 17, 2012

DIPs:  January 16, 2013

INDPs: July 15, 2013   (Letter of intent required by May 14, 2013)

CAPs: March 15, 2013


Math & Science Partneship (MSP) - NSF 12-518

Targeted Partnership and Research, Evaluation, and Technical Assistance (RETA) proposal deadline: December 18, 2012

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