Shodor provides new Math Flyer mobile app...

Math Flyer imageShodor has released a downloadable application, now available in the App Store. Math Flyer is based on the  award-winning resources from Interactivate, a collection in the Computational Science Education Reference Desk, a portal of the National Science Digital library, but fully re-imagined for use on a mobile device with landscape and portrait modes. Check it out, try it out, and tell your colleagues, students, friends and neighbors!

"This is the true power of interactive computing in math and science education. You can harness the technology to change the function and re-present it. Change a function and re-present it, and it is those re-presentations that enable a student to form a representation. Modern Math and Science learning is dependent on students being able to form these representations. Pattern recognition and characterization are critical skills that will serve a student in the long term much more reliably than will mere symbol manipulation. Math Flyer directly connects the manipulation of symbols with the resulting patterns, encouraging this pattern recognition. In Math Flyer's "trace" mode, each function leaves a trail as it changes so that students can see the pattern explicitly before their eyes."  See more....

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