Interested in a Project 2061 workshop on aligning resources to standards at the NSDL Annual Meeting?


AAAS' Project 2061 has an NSDL-funded project focused on providing support for interested NSDL project PIs and staff to learn about Project 2061's recommendations and methods for aligning or associating STEM resources to education standards. They have conducted several workshops in the past two years.
Project 2061 is planning an additional meeting/training workshop on Monday, Nov. 1, prior to the opening reception for the NSDL Annual Meeting (Nov. 1-3). The meeting would be focused on:

--Sharing problems and solutions with one another regarding work on aligning resources to standards
--Providing some further training on alignment to projects who have previously attended a Project 2061 alignment workshop
--Introducing new Pathways or other interested project PIs to methods of aligning resources to standards
Some funds to support participation are available.
If you are interested in attending, please contact Francis Molina and Ted Willard by October 1st.