New blog on metrics issues: Fun with Web Metrics

Fun with Web Metrics imageBob Donahue, longtime NSDL community member and valued colleague at WGBH (Teachers' Domain Pathway), has started a new Wordpress blog on metrics: Fun with Web Metrics. The NSDL community has benefited greatly from Bob's expertise in metrics collection and analysis, and his new blog will be a great resource for all NSDL projects. 

Titled Fun with Web Metrics, Bob describes the purpose of the new blog as facilitating "discussions on new thinking of web metrics - particularly involving web sites that are non-commercial or educational in nature. Many of the current 'conventional wisdoms' on web metrics have their roots in the commercial world, which doesn't always address the particular issues non-commercial sites  have regarding assessment."  Bob looks for discussion, exchange of ideas, and the development of shared tools, and a place to highlight success stories that can be beneficial across the community. 

Bob plans twice-weekly posts to the site - one on Tuesdays that will be more philosophical in nature, and one on Fridays that will be more technically focused ("geeky"). Readers can subscribe to the blog for both email and RSS distribution. Check it out! 

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