Van Gundy: Smart Grids for Education: An Introduction to Learning Resource Paradata...

See Susan Van Gundy's guest column in UCAR's AtmosNews Winter 2012 issue: Smart Grids for Education: An Introduction to Learning Resource Paradata, where she discusses National Science Digital Library (NSDL) efforts to leverage usage data and social networking activity around digital learning resource use in educator communities of practice. 

"NSDL is tapping the emergence of socially connected educational communities to enable smart systems for digital learning resources that can reflect production, storage, transmission, and consumption activities across diverse networks." 

Teaser Text: 
"Each of the individual and collective actions that are the hallmarks of today's workflow around digital content—favoriting, foldering, rating, sharing, remixing, embedding, and embellishing—are points of paradata that can serve as indicators about resource utility and emerging practices."