best practices

For community review and comment: new NSDL Collection Policy; Resource Quality Guidelines

NSDL seeks community review and comment on two documents:  an updated NSDL Collections Policy, and recommended Resource Quality Guidelines that outline best practices for resource selection and characterization. Both documents were developed by the NSDL Collections Task Force, following an extensive collections review process in 2009.

NSDL Metrics Working Group & Report

In January 2009, in discussion with Pathways, a new working group was formed—the NSDL Metrics Working Group. The group is charged with exploring metrics-related issues and making recommendations to the NSDL community on best practices for metrics gathering and analysis, over multiple aspects of an NSDL project's activities and lifecycle. The working group is composed of NSDL projects' staff, and representatives from the NSDL Resource Center and NSDL Technical Network Services, and meets monthly via teleconference.

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