Polar News and Notes Animals

Polar Bears and Climate Change

Did you know that polar bears are at high risk of population decline and future extinction in our warming world? Dr. Steven Amstrup, a Research Wildlife Biologist with the United States Geological Survey, discussed the status of the iconic marine mammal in the lecture, “Polar Bear: Climate Change Sentinel.” The lecture was part of the […]

Posted in Topics: Animals, Arctic, Life Science

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Mammal Species Are in Extinction Crisis

Saying the world is in an “extinction crisis,” the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) released its 2008 Red List of Threatened Species during a meeting in Barcelona, Spain, October 5-14.
 A new study to assess the world’s mammals shows at least 1,141 of the 5,487 wild mammal species, or almost one in four, […]

Posted in Topics: Animals, Current News, Polar News & Notes, Science

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Polar News & Notes: Our Arctic Ambassador Leaves for Churchill!

Recently, we introduced Elaina Wahl, a Columbus, OH teen and the Columbus Zoo’s first Arctic Ambassador. We’re pleased to report that Elaina is now in Churchill, Manitoba, for Polar Bears International’s Polar Bear Leadership Camp. Elaina is meeting students from across the country, learning about polar bears and conservation, and preparing to return to Columbus as the […]

Posted in Topics: Animals, Arctic, Current News, Polar News & Notes

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Polar News & Notes: Meet an Arctic Ambassador

In conjunction with Polar Bears International and in celebration of the Year of the Polar Bear, the Columbus Zoo has selected Elaina Wahl as their Arctic Ambassador. Elaina agreed to share her experiences with Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears and is today’s guest blogger!
Hi, my name is Elaina Wahl, and I’m a junior at Bishop […]

Posted in Topics: Animals, Arctic, Current News, Polar News & Notes

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Polar News & Notes: Penguins March Into Your Classroom

Would you like to add some real-time data to your penguin unit this year? Thanks to education outreach resources from an Antarctic research team, you can!
Dr. David Ainley studies Adelie penguin populations in Antarctica. His long term research of 30 years has recently shown indication of the penguin populations reacting to climate change. His web […]

Posted in Topics: Animals, Antarctica, Education, International Polar Year, Lesssons and activities, Life Science, Polar News & Notes, Science, Scientists in the field, Technology, Upcoming Opportunities, Writing

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Polar News & Notes: DDT Is Found in Penguins

For the past 30 years ago, the use of DDT as a freely used pesticide has diminished worldwide. One of the first successful campaigns against the chemical was based on its effects on birds. So, it came as a surprise to scientists that Adelie penguins in the Antarctic have the same levels of DDT in […]

Posted in Topics: Animals, Antarctica, Current News, Polar News & Notes

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Polar News & Notes: Narwhal Tops List of At-Risk Marine Mammals in the Arctic

While the plight of the polar bear deservedly gets most of the attention in Arctic-warming scenarios, the narwhal is even more at risk, according to a study of marine mammals’ vulnerability. Scientists from three countries identified risk factors for 11 mammals that live in the Arctic year-round.  
The narwhal is a pale-colored porpoise with a […]

Posted in Topics: Animals, Arctic, Current News, Polar News & Notes

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Polar News & Notes: Musk Ox Sport New Collars

Six musk ox are roaming along the shores of the Chukchi and northern Bering Seas wearing their new GPS collars.
The Wildlife Conservation Society and other groups outfitted the animals to study how climate change may affect them. Next year in the four-year project, the research team will collar an additional 30-40 more animals.
“Musk ox are […]

Posted in Topics: Animals, Arctic, Current News, International Polar Year, Life Science, Polar News & Notes, Scientists in the field, Technology

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Pierre the Penguin: Teaching About Heat and Insulation Through Adaptations

Meet Pierre 
A recent news article profiled Pierre, a 25 year-old African penguin at the Academy of Sciences. Biologists became concerned when Pierre, who was going bald, refused to swim in the penguin tank and shivered on the sidelines instead. Unlike polar bears, seals, and other marine mammals, penguins do not have an insulating layer of […]

Posted in Topics: Animals, Antarctica, Current News, Lesssons and activities, Life Science, Polar News & Notes, Science

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Polar News & Notes: Return to Penguin City

On Sunday, March 23, Animal Planet will air a 60 minute broadcast about the Adelie penguins of Antarctica and the challenges they face due to rapid climate change. Return to Penguin City will feature the work of scientists Grant Ballard and Viola Toniolo.
Animal Planet’s description of Return to Penguin City:
“Millions of Adelie penguins storm the […]

Posted in Topics: Animals, Antarctica, Polar News & Notes, Upcoming Broadcasts

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