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Harvest Manager Installation Instructions

To install and run the Harvest Manager software you must have the following:

  • 1. hm.war - the Harvest Manager software.
  • 2. Apache Tomcat v5.5.x or v6.x
  • 3. Java 2 Platform v5.x or v6.x
  • 4. An installation of the NSDL Collection System (NCS) that contains one or more ncs_collect records.

To perform OAI harvests and ingest into a local repository, the following are also requred:

  • 5. An installation of the NSDL Data Repository (NDR)
  • 6. An installation of the NSDL harvest ingest processors (needed to perform the harvests)

Step 1: Download and install an instance of the NSDL Collection System (NCS) and create one or more ncs_collect records.

Step 2: Download and install the Tomcat servlet container on your server. To install Tomcat, follow the instructions available from Apache at

Step 3: Place the file 'hm.war' into the 'webapps' directory found in your Tomcat installation. 'webapps' is the default location where Tomcat expects to find web applications.

Step 4: Start or restart Tomcat. Upon startup the first time, Tomcat will automatically unpack the hm.war archive, creating a directory and application context named 'hm'.

Step 5: The Harvest Manager software should now be running. Launch a web browser and type in the URL to the tomcat server and context, for example http://localhost:8080/hm/

Step 6: The default settings for the software are defined in the Web Application deployment descriptor file (webapps/hm/WEB-INF/web.xml) as context parameters (<context-param> elements). The purpose of each setting is described in detail in that file. Edit these settings as needed to change from the default.

To perform OAI harvests and ingest into a local repository, the following are also requred:

Step 7: Obtain and install an instance of the NSDL Data Repository: ../index.php/Community:NDR

Step 8: Obtain and install the NSDL ingest processes. Information available at: ../index.php/Community:CITI/OAIHarvestIngest

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