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NSDL Image:Breadcrumb_arrow.gif Partnering with NSDL Image:Breadcrumb_arrow.gif NSDL Community DOWNLOADS | DOCUMENTATION

The NSDL Data Repository (NDR) stores digital objects, such as resources, metadata and agents, as well as contextual information about the resources, including relationships among resources and bibliographic metadata, and exposes the repository contents through a set of web-services.

The NDR uses open source Fedora Commons repository software to model and manage digital objects such as resources, metadata, and agents. Fedora Commons provides digital object and repository administrative functions as well as flexible, extensible views of the repository and its digital objects via web services. NDR objects are maintained through an application programming interface (API) that allows controlled access to the objects within the repository. NDR API methods are invoked using REST requests.

What's Happening

Latest Releases

Development Team

Josh Endries, Software Developer and System Administrator
NSDL Technical Network Services (TNS) at Cornell University
Anh Nguyen, Software Developer
NSDL Technical Network Services (TNS) at UCAR
Jonathan Ostwald, Software Developer
NSDL Technical Network Services (TNS) at UCAR
Lynette Rayle, Software Developer
NSDL Technical Network Services (TNS) at Cornell University
John Weatherley, Technical Lead
NSDL Technical Network Services (TNS) at UCAR

Page List

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Additional Information

Supporting Documents

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