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This page links to evaluation reports and documents produced by NSDL Core Integration, NSDL pathways and projects, and projects with whom NSDL has worked closely, such as DLESE. Additional information on evalution work in NSDL is available at the NSDL Educational Impact and Evaluation Standing Committee wiki. Other digital library evaluation resources are available on the resources page.

NSDL White Paper: The 'Resource Lifecycle' Michael Khoo, NSDL Core Integration. The evaluation model - the 'resource lifecycle' - guiding Core Integration's evaluation activities.


NSDL Snapshots Michael Khoo, NSDL Core Integration. Some webmetrics snapshots of NSDL at the end of June 2007.

Monthly Usage Report Michael Khoo, NSDL Core Integration. Monthly usage statistics for, and aggregated usage for NSDL Pathways and partner projects.
[June 07] [May 07] [April 07]


An Introduction to NSDL Webmetrics (2006) Michael Khoo, NSDL Core Integration. Some of the basic issues involved in NSDL's webmetrics activities, including which tools to use, and who to count, what to count them doing, and when to count it.

Using Web Metrics to Estimate Impact: I -- The Lawlessness of Averages (2006) Bob Donahue, WGBH Interactive.

Using Web Metrics to Estimate Impact: II -- When Counting Doesn't "Count" (2006) Bob Donahue, WGBH Interactive.

Using Web Metrics to Estimate Impact: III -- Growing Pains (2006) Bob Donahue, WGBH Interactive.

Using Web Metrics to Estimate Impact: IV -- The "Path" to Understanding Users (2006) Bob Donahue, WGBH Interactive.

Survey of NSDL Users (2006) Michael Khoo, NSDL Core Integration. 167 NSDL users were polled online and on paper, with 80%-90% of respondents replying that use of NSDL had positively impacted their educational and research practices.

Faculty Participation in the NSDL Alan Wolf, Flora McMartin, Cathy Manduca, and Glenda Morgan. What are higher education instructors looking for in digital libraries, and how do they look for it? What barriers to they encounter? In a national study of higher education faculty, we have been determining the materials and services that instructors are seeking, and examining under what circumstances they would like them.

Evaluation Practices in NSDL (2006) Laura Bartolo (NSDL Evaluation and Educational Impact Standing Committee - EIESC), Anne Diekema (EIESC), Michael Khoo (NSDL Core Integration), and Flora McMartin (EIESC). NSDL projects describe their evaluation work, and the barriers they faced when implementing their evaluation plans. While NSDL projects have good evaluation intentions, many still experience difficulty in carrying out evaluation, and the report recommends ongoing evaluation capacity building within NSDL.

Privacy Policies and Practices in NSDL Pathways Projects (2006) Michael Khoo, Eileen McIlvain, and James Burger (NSDL Core Integration). NSDL projects described their evaluation work, and the barriers they faced when implementing their evaluation plans. While NSDL projects have good evaluation intentions, many still experience difficulty in carrying out evaluation, and the report recommends ongoing evaluation capacity building within NSDL.

Usability: "Results, not Features" (2006) Michael Khoo, NSDL Core Integration. User testing of the NSDL search results page suggests that NSDL users want to locate and sort their search results quickly and efficiently, and not be distracted by too many features.

Resource Creation and Review Processes in NSDL (2006) Michael Khoo, NSDL Core Integration. NSDL projects were asked about the processes by which they assured the quality of the resources in their collections, and also about the extent to which NSDL had supported them in these activities. As part of the survey, several NSDL projects submitted their resource creation/review rubrics to share with the rest of the NSDL community.

NSDL Annual Meeting survey (2006) Michael Khoo, NSDL Core Integration.


NSDL Evaluation practices survey (2005) Sarah Giersch, NSDL; Mimi Recker and Jim Dorward, Utah State University.

NSDL Educational Impact and Evaluation Standing Committee (EIESC) activities, 2001-2005 (2005) Sarah Giersch, NSDL.

NSDL Annual Meeting survey (2005) Michael Khoo, NSDL Core Integration.
• Session Evaluations - [PDF]
• Post-Meeting Survey - [PDF]
• 2002, 2003 & 2004 surveys:
• 2004 survey:


I came, I found it, I used it, and it made a difference (2004) Amy Chang, American Society for Microbiology; Marsha Matyas, American Physiological Society; Nancy Gough and Yolanda George, American Association for the Advancement of Science. An evaluation of the BioSciEdNet (BEN) portal.


Evaluating Digital Libraries: A User-Friendly Guide (2003) Thomas Reeves, Xornam Apedoe, and Young Hee Woo, University of Georgia.

Annotated Bibliography of Evaluating the Educational Impact of Digital Libraries (2003) Sarah Giersch, NSDL; Kirsten Butcher, DLESE; Thomas Reeves, University of Georgia.

Developing a Strategy for Evaluating the Educational Impact of NSDL (2003) Tamara Sumner, University of Colorado/DLESE; Mary Marlino and Kirsten Butcher, DLESE.


A Development Model and a Research and Evaluation Framework for Educational Community-Based Digital Libraries (2002) Mary Marlino, DLESE.

NSDL Testing Framework (2002) Dean Krafft and Jon Phipps, Cornell University.