Community:NDR/Releases/1.3/INSTALL/Fedora Default Install
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< Community:NDR | Releases/1.3 | INSTALL
The following steps may be followed to install Fedora using default settings (for evaluation purposes).
- Download the Fedora installer jar
- Create a directory on your machine in which to install Fedora. Set the FEDORA_HOME environment variable to point to this directory
- The FEDORA_HOME environment variable is necessary for Fedora to run, every time it is started. You may with to set that environment variable in your login profile.
- Install postgresql. Create a user fedoraAdmin and create two databases: fedora22 and ri owned by fedoraAdmin
- Run the installer:
java -jar fedora-2.2.4-installer.jar
. The installer will ask several questions. For a default install, answer the questions as follows:-
Installation type
. Type custom -
Fedora home directory
. Your fedora directory should appear as a default value. If so, just press enter. If not, type in the path to the Fedora home created in step 2. -
Fedora Administrator password
type in fedoraAdmin -
Fedora server host<code> press enter for default (localhost)
<code>Authentication requirement for API-A
. Press enter for default (false)-
SSL availability
. Press enter for default (true) -
SSL required for API-A
. Press enter for default (false) -
SSL required for API-M
. Press enter for default (true) -
Servlet engine
Press enter for default (included)-
Tomcat home directory
Press enter for default ($FEDORA_HOME/tomcat
)- This will have Fedora install a tomcat cocntainer in
. If you are installing other web applications in the same container at a later point, keep this location in mind.
- This will have Fedora install a tomcat cocntainer in
Tomcat http port
Press enter for default (8080) -
Tomcat shutdown port
. Press enter for default (8005)
Tomcat Secure HTTP port
. Press enter for default (8443) -
Keystore file
. Type included to use default self-signed cert -
Policy enforcement enabled
. Press enter for default (true) -
. Type postgresql-
Postgresql JDBC driver
. Press enter for default (included) -
Database username
. Type fedoraAdmin -
Database password
. Type fedoraAdmin -
. Press enter for default (jdbc:postgresql://localhost/fedora22) -
JDBC DriverClass
. Press enter for default ( org.postgresql.Driver)
Deploy local services and demos
. Press enter for true.
- Copy the provided fedora.fcfg file into $FEDORA_HOME/server/config.
- Start up Fedora.
- This is done by starting Fedora's tomcat container. Execute $FEDORA_HOME/tomcat/bin/ (or .bat, for windows).