From NSDLWiki
- Java >= 1.5
- Apache Tomcat >= 5.5.x
- Fedora 2.2.x
- Install and configure Tomcat (optional)
- Fedora can install its own bundled tomcat, or it can use an externally-provided tomcat. If using Fedora's internal tomcat, you do not need to install Tomcat separately.
- If using CNRI-based handles, you must run Tomcat with the following system property defined:
- Install and configure Fedora.
- Fedora must be installed and configured with the following requirements. An example
file contains a proper configuration.- Fedora 2.2.4 is highly recommended, as it contains numerous bug fixes and performance enhancements over earlier versions. Fedora 3.x is NOT supported, nor are versions prior to 2.2.
- ResourceIndex enabled at level 2
- MPTStore must be used instead of Mulgara/Kowari as the ResourceIndex
- We recommend using PostgresSQl as the database for the triple store
- retainPids enabled for
- Certain Fedora configuration parameters are needed later to allow the repository to connect to Fedora. The NDR has certain default values built in, so if you are installing for evaluation purposes, you may set up Fedora and MPTStore to use the default values and avoid having to configure the repository at all: it will work out of the box. To get started with the default settings quickly, you may follow the simple cookbook instructions
- Fedora tomcat port (default: 8080)
- Fedora tomcat ssl port (default: 8443)
- Fedora user (default: fedoraAdmin)
- Fedora user password password (default: fedoraAdmin)
- Fedora truststore location (default: ${FEDORA_HOME}/server/truststore)
- Assumes that tomcat is run with an enviromnemt variable
pointing to the Fedora install directory. If the NDR is installed in the same tomcat container as Fedora, this requirement should already be met.
- Assumes that tomcat is run with an enviromnemt variable
- Fedora truststore password (default: tomcat)
- This is the default password that is used in the self-signed demo keystore distributed with Fedora.
- MPTStore database JDBC URL (default: jdbc:postgresql://localhost/ri)
- MPTStore database user (default: fedoraAdmin)
- MPTStore database passwod (default: fedoraAdmin)
- Fedora must be installed and configured with the following requirements. An example
- Congure NDR settings (optional for evaluation, required for produciton).
- Without configuring anything, the NDR middleware will attempt to connect to Fedora using default assumptions of Fedora URL, port, user name, pasword, MPTStore database, etc. If all are configured using the default options above, then this configuration step may be skipped. However, this is not recommended use in production
- Visit the Congure NDR settings page for configuration instructions. You wil be asked to create a directory in which you will place configuration files. When finished, you will have to define a system property when starting up Tomcat
that contains the config directory location. - Configuration changes may be done at a later time, so the first time around, you may want to use the defaults, and change settings later.
- Deploy NDR webapp.
- Make sure System properties
are set if your situation requires them. If you are evaluating and using the defaults, you don't need either. - When first started, the NDR will attempt to connect to Fedora. If successful, it will ingest some core objects. By default, its actions will be logged to tomcat's catalina.out (unless you've modified log4j otherwise). Watch the logs to verify that no exceptions were thrown. If so, there may be a configuration problem.
- Make sure System properties
- Use the admin client to log in to the repository for the first time as the root Agent
- When logging in as the root agent <code>ndr:root</ndr> for the first time, you will be asked if you want to use the default key when logging in. Say yes. later, you will be asked if you want to generate new keys for this agent. It's highly recommended that you do so, even for evaluation purposes.
Additional Configuration and installation
Host name configuration (optional for evaluation purposes)
If you are running the NDR behind a reverse proxy, so that the NDR's base URL will be with respect to a particular hostname or path (e.g. <code>
vs the defaulthttp://localhost:8080/repository/api/
, you will need to update the configuration propertiesparam.repository.api.auth.canonicalBasePath
. See the Congure NDR settings page for more information.
- Handle service (optional)
- By default, the NDR is condifured to use Fedora object PIDs as object "handles". Production installations ma wish to consider using the CNRI Handle system. Use of this system requires registration, payment, and deploying a handle service. In return, this system is able to assign globally unique and universally referenceable identifiers to NDR objects.
- After registering for and deploying the handle infrastructure, see the See the [Community:NDR/Releases/1.3/CONFIGURE| Congure NDR settings]] page for more information on directing the NDR to register CNRI handles for all objects.
- OAI service (optional)