What We're Reading

Wired Science article from Michael Brooks explores how our cultural perceptions of 'science' carry much too much of the "mad scientist" vision, and a nice way to stem that thinking by getting kids involved with 'real' scientists...

Huffington Post: Collaborating to Solve the STEM Teaching Crisis speaks to the retention issues of K12 teachers, especially for math and science teachers. Citing the a new report by Demos and the New York Academy of Sciences - Support, Collaborate, Retain - school culture plays a big role in the issue of retention, along with support and collaboration mechanisms. 

Ed Week article on neuroscience and education: educational neuroscience exploding old myths about how learning takes place:  Scientists Find Learning Is Not "Hard-Wired"

Worth a look:  Ed Week Teacher Living in Dialogue blog: Critical Questions about the Common Core, by Anthony Cody. 

Education Week article reports on David Coleman, one of the lead writers of common standards, who takes over as president of the College Board on October 15, and the need he sees to incorporate Common Core goals into the SATs:  Incoming College Board Head Wants SAT to Reflect Common Core