What We're Reading

An interesting article in Education Week that explores the real costs for districts associated with use digital content for teaching, as opposed to print-based texts - with good summary of the experiences of districts around the country that are making transitions to digital content: 

Educators Weigh E-Textbook Cost Comparisons  (May 18, 2012)

Article: Carolyn Abbot: The Worst 8th Grade Math Teacher in New York City: Victim of Her Own Success


An example of how some high-stakes testing—especially if poorly designed and/or executed—can skew the real story...
In Huff Post Education, courtesy of The Hechinger Report's A Sociological Eye on Education blog

50 Texas community caolleges endorse plan to change remedial math.  

"When the new system, dubbed Mathways, is fully in place, remedial students who intend on majoring in a science- or math-based field will still take a traditional, algebra-based developmental course. But other students might take classes in statistics or quantitative reasoning, subsets of math that could prove more relevant to their careers and present less of a barrier to emerging from remedial education. Students who are undecided on a major are likely to be steered toward statistics, with “bridge courses” available later on if they select a science or math major." 

Helpful article from Computer World, distilling down some key tools for developers, for all kinds of activities, in these categories:

  • code inspection, editing, debugging
  • design assistance
  • enhancing performance
  • handy utilities
  • enhancing search engine optimization (SEO)
  • collaboration

Find it at http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9225073/Essential_browser_tools_for_Web_developers