
A book is a set of pages tied together in a hierarchical sequence, perhaps with chapters, sections, subsections, and so on.  The book content type should not be used as a discussion area.  It should be used for final product, one-way style communication of information such as manuals, resource guides, FAQs, etc.  If you need a discussion area, please use a wiki or discussion forum.

Users who have permission can create a book and write, review, modify, or rearrange the pages. Many users can work together on a book -- you can allow or disallow collaboration, to whatever extent you want.


To create a book

  1. Go to the create book page.

  2. Title: Add the title of the first page in your book, which is also the name of your book.
  3. Groups: If your book is for a specific group on the NSDLRC site, select that group here.
  4. Body: This is the contents of the first page in your Book.
  5. Book Outline: Select 'Create a New Book' from the drop down list.
  6. Click save.


To add a page to a book

  1. View the parent page for your new page.
  2. Click 'Add child page' from the links at the bottom of the content area.
  3. Title: Add the title of your page.
  4. Body: Add the contents of your page.
  5. Click save.