A Web-based Mathematics Formula Editor

The Web is evolving quickly.  HTML as the language for Web pages has been standardized just a few years ago.  Now the new HTML5 standard is emerging.   HTML5 will make the Web more dynamic and Web pages more functional and well structured.   Among the new features is the incorporation of MathML into HTML5.

MathML is a standard to represent mathematical formulas using XML notations. MathML Presentation Code specifies the display rendering of mathematical formulas. MathML Content Code encodes the semantics, or meaning, of mathematical formulas. Any browser that supports HTML5 will also support displaying MathML encoded formulas. This makes the door wide open for more advanced mathematical teaching and learning materials on the Web that involve displaying and manipulation of mathematical formulas.

At Kent State University, the Institute for Computational Mathematics is collaborating with LanZhou University in China on
a tool called MathEdit which is an interactive mathematical formula editor.

MathEdit is fully Web-based and implemented in JavaScript and MathML. MathEdit will support MathML Content and MathML Presentation encoding, infix notation, LaTeX, and OpenMath. MathEdit is customizable to support mathematics formulas at different levels in secondary and higher mathematics education. And it can be customized for different mathematics disciplines.

An example application of MathEdit is in this equation plot page where a user can enter an equation using
MathEdit and see its plot as a curve.

For those interested, you can visit the draft MathEdit site for much more information and try the tool to see how you like it. Your feedback will be most welcome

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