Effective Mathematics Education and the Web

With the introduction of devices such as the Apple iPad, getting on the Web is made easier and easier all the time. It is my view that we must look into how to use the Web to better teach and learn.

This is especially true for mathematics education, I believe. If we can use interactive, inquiry-based, engaging, mathematics lessons to enhance interest and encourage exploration effectively, we might improve mathematics teaching and learning greatly.

Our Web-based Mathematics Education (WME) group is looking at a set of related Web technologies and educational pedagogy for middle school mathematics education. Pilot projects conducted at a local middle school showed that the approach is well-received by teachers and students.

To be sure, there are barriers to implementing the WME approach: availability of equipment, familiarity by teachers of the technologies, lack of experience with on-Web teaching, and school restrictions on Internet/Web access,  just to name a few. But these can all be overcome.

The advantages of the WME approach are many. Here is a top-10 list.

Top-ten Advantages of WME

  1. Classroom readiness and accessibility
  2. Adaptable and customizable
  3. Teacher support, convenience, and control
  4. Open, portable and interoperable
  5. Integrated, dynamic, and interactive
  6. Instant assessment and feedback
  7. Concepts not steps
  8. Sharing of expertise and educational methods
  9. Aiding parents and at-home students
  10. Hands-on and self-paced

Hopefully, through this blog, we can get more people involved in considering, discussing, and moving toward ideas and solutions that can bring easier and more effective mathematics teaching and learning to all.

Posted in Topics: Education, Mathematics, Technology, Web

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