Archive for the 'Technology' Category

Inlinks: Who Is Linking to My Site?

Carol MM wrote in the last paragraph in her post about Krishna Bharat - “He reiterated that new, frequently updated, and well-written content with lots of links to other perspectives would be found and ranked highly by Google News, but he did not offer specific methods.” I thought it was curious that he says lots […]

Posted in Topics: Inlinking, Search Engine Optimization, Technology

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Editor-in-chief at Google News: Mr. Algorithm

Krishna Bharat, Principal Scientist at Google and creator of Google News
There are currently 41 editions of Google News in 18 languages. Founder Krishna Bharat began this shuttle service to news and networked information on the Web based on the idea that since Google had millions of global users anyway, why not create a newspaper that […]

Posted in Topics: Search Engine Optimization, Technology

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SEO, Technology, and You

In honor of Kim Lightle’s great presentation on her search engine optimization efforts on our last Pathways project teleconference, we’ve added a section listing some of the better SEO resources to the NSDL Technology Standing Committee home page.  If you know of other interesting SEO resources that might be good candidates for the list, please drop […]

Posted in Topics: Search Engine Optimization, Technology

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Meta Description: Pick Me, Pick Me

We are adding a meta description tag to the HTML header of each page of the NSDL Middle School Portal not because the addition increases the ranking of our content but because several search engines use this tag to display the snippet of text below the clickable title link in the Search Engine Results Page […]

Posted in Topics: General, Meta Description, Search Engine Optimization, Technology

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An Important Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Factor: Title Tag

This document – Search Engine Ranking Factors V2 - represents the collective wisdom of 37 leaders in the world of organic search engine optimization. Together, they have voted on the various factors that are estimated to comprise Google’s ranking algorithm (the method by which the search engine orders results). It also has a list of […]

Posted in Topics: General, Search Engine Optimization, Technology, Title Tag

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Build it and they will come (if they can find it)

This blog is being created to discuss search engine optimization ideas, but can and hopefully will evolve into any technical topic or discussion thats hot at the moment. Have at it …..

Posted in Topics: Search Engine Optimization, Technology

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