Inlinks: Who Is Linking to My Site?

Carol MM wrote in the last paragraph in her post about Krishna Bharat - “He reiterated that new, frequently updated, and well-written content with lots of links to other perspectives would be found and ranked highly by Google News, but he did not offer specific methods.” I thought it was curious that he says lots of links to other perspectives - what about inlinks - people linking to you because of your excellent content?

I’m a curious sort of person and I do want to know who is inlinking to the NSDL Middle School PortalNSDL Annotation. I always look at the referral logs in my web analytics reports but lately, I have been spending some time using a tool from Yahoo - If you put in a URL in the Explore URL box; hit enter. On the next page, click on the hot link that says Inlinks and then Show Inlinks - Except from this domain. I’m not quite sure how they order the return list.

This tool supplies a different view than the referrals report - that report tells you if somebody actually clicked on the link and came to your site - siteexplorer tells you the sites that actually link to your site whether people have clicked on them or not.

I haven’t gone through all 1,240 inlinks but I have found some interesting uses for the MSP content.

Posted in Topics: Inlinking, Search Engine Optimization, Technology

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