TNS Internal:NDR/API/2.0/implementationStatus

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NDR API 2.0 - Status

 NDR Project Documentation   Conceptual Framework   v1.0 NDR-API Index   v2.0 NDR-API Index   Model   v2.0 Features   v2.0 Status   v2.0 Test Plan 

Image:Greenck.jpg Complete: Tested Image:Blueck.jpg Complete: Not Fully Tested Image:Caution.jpg In Process Image:Stop.jpg Not Begun Image:Nosup.jpg Not Supported / Latered
Status Developer Feature Comments
Basic Infrasture
Image:Blueck.jpg Lynette Optionally transform inputXML during request processing.
Adapt existing NDR objects to new GCCO infrastructure
Image:Caution.jpg Evaluation of existing objects
Image:Caution.jpg Modification of Big Bang setup
Image:Caution.jpg Script to modify existing objects
Collections Infrastructure
Basic Collection Infrastructure
Image:Blueck.jpg Lynette Add Collection type to list of types
Image:Blueck.jpg Josh model.content.CollectionModel includes definition of properties and relationships
Image:Blueck.jpg Josh model.types.Collection
Image:Blueck.jpg Josh model.types.GenericCollectionImpl This is the basic structure of the class. Specific processing methods are identified with each API call
Image:Stop.jpg Josh model.types.GenericCollectionImpl.getCollectionObject() Returns the single object view of the GCCO. Used by several API calls.
Collection API Calls
Image:Blueck.jpg Lynette/Josh action.collection.AddCollection
Image:Blueck.jpg Lynette xsl/addCollection.xslt
Image:Blueck.jpg Josh model.types.GenericCollectionImpl.commit()
Image:Caution.jpg Lynette Integration of Add with NDRAccess Filtering
Image:Caution.jpg Lynette/Josh action.collection.ModifyCollection Needs better integration with getObject(); otherwise, done
Image:Blueck.jpg Lynette xsl/modifyCollection.xslt
Image:Caution.jpg Josh model.types.GenericCollectionImpl.commit() Basically the same process as for add.
Image:Caution.jpg Lynette Get/Modify Integration with NDRAccess Filtering
Image:Caution.jpg Lynette/Josh action.collection.DeleteCollection Just started. Major question is how to handle cascading deletes.
Image:Stop.jpg Josh model.types.GenericCollectionImpl.delete() Not sure this is the appropriate method.
Image:Stop.jpg Lynette Delete Integration with NDRAccess Filtering
Image:Stop.jpg Cascading deletes to children GCCOs There are questions in action.delete about where cascading deletes should be processed. The same issues apply here, but are not yet fully understood.
Image:Stop.jpg Cascading deletes to metadata
Image:Stop.jpg Cascading deletes to resources
Image:Stop.jpg Purging objects from NDR
Image:Stop.jpg Cascading purging of objects
Image:Stop.jpg Lynette/Josh action.collection.UndeleteCollection
Image:Stop.jpg Josh model.types.GenericCollectionImpl.undelete() Not sure this is the appropriate method. I'm not sure there is any existing undelete process or cascading undelete process.
Image:Stop.jpg Lynette Undelete Integration with NDRAccess Filtering
Image:Stop.jpg Cascading undelete to children GCCOs
Image:Stop.jpg Cascading undelete to metadata
Image:Stop.jpg Cascading undelete to resources
Image:Stop.jpg Lynette/Josh action.collection.GetCollectionRecord
Image:Stop.jpg Josh model.types.GenericCollectionImpl.getCollectionRecord() Needs to return formated outputXML. I believe this is only what appears between the <resultData> tags. The rest of the outputXML is wrapped around this by the action class or some other process.
Image:Stop.jpg Lynette/Josh action.collection.ListCollectionRecords
Image:Stop.jpg Josh model.types.GenericCollectionImpl.listCollectionRecords() Needs to return formated outputXML. I believe this is only what appears between the <resultData> tags. The rest of the outputXML is wrapped around this by the action class or some other process.
Image:Stop.jpg action.collection.FindCollections
Image:Stop.jpg xsl/findCollections.xslt InputXML undefined. This may not require a transform.
Image:Stop.jpg processing of find This is ill-defined at this point. Scope of work not clearly defined.

Resource Item API Calls
Image:Stop.jpg Lynette/Tim action.resource.ListResourceMetadata
Image:Stop.jpg Tim processing of ListResourceMetadata

Authorization API Calls
Image:Stop.jpg Lynette/? action.authorization.AuthorizeToChange
Image:Stop.jpg Lynette xsl/authorizeToChange.xslt
Image:Stop.jpg ? processing of ListResourceMetadata
Image:Stop.jpg Lynette/? action.authorization.DeauthorizeToChange
Image:Stop.jpg Lynette xsl/deauthorizeToChange.xslt
Image:Stop.jpg ? processing of ListResourceMetadata
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