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Proposed OnRamp Enhancements

Priority: Very High


TASK: Version metadata and uploaded data within a record. This can have several levels of complexity. The following are in order of complexity
  • users can view previous versions
  • users can reinstate a previous version as the current version
  • users can compare various versions

This work will be pushed to the Fez trunk.

BENEFIT: Allow users access to earlier versions of uploaded content.
STATUS: Designed and partially coded. See Versioning Design page.

Photo Gallery destination template

TASK: Create a destination template and partner webapp that creates a photo gallery.
BENEFIT: IPY requirement due by August Issue
STATUS: In process. Exploring making use of code from Gallery 2 open source project.

Priority: High

List of Ranges

TASK: Like generate and fetch, retrieving a list of ranges is a basic script for all destinations that have ranges. IPY will use this to generate the list of all issues.
BENEFIT: IPY requirement due by August Issue, basic OnRamp requirement
STATUS: Not started.

Auto Caching

TASK: Provide a facility for users to cache generated results. Again the following list is in order of complexity.
  • currently fetch.php will pull a manually cached result when the configuration for a destination specifies the location of the cached result
  • destination admin clicks an icon to update the cache
  • cache automatically updates when content related to a distribution changes
BENEFIT: Performance, Usability
STATUS: Basic design for auto caching on paper. Fetch routine to fetch based on configuration property is currently working.

Register Records in NSDL

TASK: Provide a workflow for users to register a record in NSDL.
BENEFIT: Valuable resources reflected in the raw content become part of NSDL.
STATUS: Proof of concept done. Actual work not started.

Priority: Moderate

Browse Destination Enhancements

TASK: The following are a list of several enhancements in the Browse Destinations UI that part of auto caching:
  • expanded to allow browsing of the cached results once auto caching is complete
    • need code to get the list of results for a destination
    • need code for viewing cached results
BENEFIT: Usability
STATUS: Not started.
PRIORITY: Moderate

Retrieve Distributions on Post Processing Property Value

TASK: This is in direct support of IPY feature request to Browse Columns Across Issues. This is not a simple task. OnRamp is primarily setup to handle distributions based on the date the distribution is released. The release date is part of the RELS-EXT to allow efficient retrieval of appropriate distributions. Post processing properties are stored in an XML datastream in each distribution.
BENEFIT: IPY Requirement requested for August 2008 (not going to happen by this date... too complex)
STATUS: Not started.
PRIORITY: Moderate

Register Results in NSDL

TASK: Provide a workflow for users to register destination results in NSDL. A question would be what exactly will be registered? In the case of IPY, it is the website that should be registered and not the RSS that drives it. Similarly, the link to White Board Report that is used by to show the WBR should be registered and not the RSS that drives it. So, how does OnRamp know whether its results are the end or merely the means to an end? And does OnRamp know enough for those that it is the means to an end to be able to register them in NSDL?
BENEFIT: Valuable resources reflected in combined content become part of NSDL.
STATUS: Not started. Dependent on Auto Caching and Register Records in NSDL.
PRIORITY: Moderate

Destination Admin

TASK: Allow destination admin access to configuration tasks related to their destinations.
BENEFIT: Remove the burden of destination maintenance from the Application Admin (aka me). Having me do destination maintenance is not a long term viable proposition if we want OnRamp to be widely used.
STATUS: Not started.
PRIORITY: Moderate

My Fez/OnRamp Enhancements

TASK: Add a separate tab for Destinations/Distributions. Right now a distribution that has been submitted for approval is mixed in with records that are pending approval. It is not clear that distributions aren't records.
BENEFIT: Usability
STATUS: Not started.
PRIORITY: Moderate

Open Source

TASK: Determine the steps required to make OnFire and other Fez enhancements available via open source.
BENEFIT: Contribute to open source.
STATUS: Not started, but I've thought about it quite a bit.
PRIORITY: Moderate

Priority: Low

More Browse Destination Enhancements

TASK: The following are a list of several enhancements that would make Browse Destinations more flexible and more complete:
  • add UI for viewing distributions (right now you can only view by editing the distribution)
  • for destinations that implement ranges, insert a page between choosing to Browse Distributions and the page that actually lists the distributions to show a list of ranges. Selecting a range will show only distributions that fall into that range.
BENEFIT: Usability
STATUS: Not started.

View Enhancements

TASK: Add information under citation to indicate which destinations the record has been sent to and whether it is registered in NSDL
BENEFIT: Allows user to know that they have already distributed the record or already registered the record in NSDL so they do not perform these tasks twice.
STATUS: Not started.

Multiple Content Models

TASK: Allow for multiple content models to be specified for distributions sent to a single destination. This would allow data entry forms to have only the fields visible that apply to their corresponding content model.

Use Case: IPY content is different for theme, departments, contributors, etc., but they are all sent to the same IPY destinationa which produces a single RSS.

BENEFIT: Usability
STATUS: Not started.

Sorting Enhancements

TASK: Allow sorting in My Fez/OnRamp and Browse Distributions to be done on certain post processing properties identified by the destination admin. For example, sort by order or sort by area.
BENEFIT: Usability
STATUS: Not started.

NDR Resources as Content

TASK: Allow Resources in the NDR to be specified as content for a distribution.
BENEFIT: Interconnectivity between NDR and NCore Tools
STATUS: Not started.

Auto-fill Distribution Fields

TASK: Add extra field to Destination Content Definitions to include an identifier that would allow the distribution to automatically select certain fields in the record to fulfill the content requirements of the destination. Most likely use field Title so that it is not dependent on a particular XSD. (ex. for title content definition use DEFAULT=Title)
BENEFIT: Convenience; Save time during data-entry
STATUS: Not started.
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