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Ncore_logo_sm.jpg Image:Breadcrumb_arrow.gif An NCore Service Image:Breadcrumb_arrow.gif OnRamp DOWNLOADS | DOCUMENTATION

OnRamp is a content management and distribution system that facilitates re-use of content in multiple contexts. Fez Software, an open source institutional respository developed at the University of Queensland, along with a few enhancements serves as the content management system. OnFire is an NCore project that extends Fez to add a distribution system for the content stored in OnRamp. Together Fez and OnFire make up the OnRamp system.

What's Happening

See it in Action

Latest Release

OnRamp 1.1 beta is up and running. It includes Fez and OnFire. The latest OnFire functionality includes:

  • managements screens for setting up destination templates, destinations, and destination ranges
  • distribution workflows to create and edit distributes
  • distributing content from multiple records
  • browse Destinations and Distributions

Currently available destination templates include:

  • Issue Publication RSS - used by White Board Report
  • eZine - used by Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears eZine
  • eZine Photo Gallery - used by Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears eZine to present a photo gallery
  • Podcast List - used by Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears eZine to create a list of podcasts
  • Web Seminar - used by to get a list of web seminars
  • website2m - two menu level website used by NCore's main website
  • WFI RSS - used to create an RSS for registering resources in NSDL through Web Feed Ingest

Coming Soon

  • Tutorials

Development Team

Lynette Rayle, Software Developer
NSDL Core Integration, Cornell University
John Weatherly, Technical Lead
NSDL Core Integration, UCAR

Current Work in Progress

  • Versioning - Expand Fez Software system to include a facility for versioning content within the Fedora repositoy that serves as the Fez datastore. Users with appropriate privileges will be able to view previous versions.
  • Photo Gallery - Exploring using Gallery 2 UI for viewing photos being driven by an RSS feed from an OnRamp Photo Gallery destination. The RSS will provide information about photos stored in records within the OnRamp system.

Get Involved

This project is currently in beta for its first release of the OnFire extension. We'd love to hear about your ideas for new destination templates, new features, and any other suggestions. Our current list of planned features is fairly long, but we'll add your ideas to the list too.

For suggestions, questions, and more information, go to Email feedback form and request to join the onramp-suggestions mail list.

Page List

A-Z Index

Download Links

  • No downloads at this time.



Examples and Demos in Use

  • Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears eZine - Twenty thematic issues of an online magazine which include standards-based science and content-rich literacy learning on the polar regions. OnRamp is used to store the text and images seen on the website. Content is distributed to an agnostic webapp through the OnFire extension.
  • White Board Report White Board Report - Monthly issues delivering research news and notes from the National Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Education Digital Library (NSDL) Program. The content of each item in the report is stored in records in OnRamp. An RSS feed summarizing each item in an issue is generated by the OnFire extension and used by to display the report.
  • NCore website NCore website - The main website for NCore is generated based on information and images stored in OnRamp. An RSS feed generated by the OnFire extension drives the webapp's structure and content.

Additional Information

Supporting Documents


  • OnFire: A Distribution Extension to Fez - Describes how Fez and OnFire meet the requirements for the OnRamp project, broad concepts. (2007)
  • OnRamp: Content Management and Distribution System - More specific details on how Fez and OnFire work together. Slides notes give a narrative for the slides. (2007, NSDL Annual Meeting)
  • International Polar Year: Using OnRamp to Create an eZine - Describes the early design concepts for using Fez and OnFire to create an eZine. (2007, NSDL Annual Meeting)
  • OnRamp: Use and Re-use - Explores the ways that the OnRamp content management and distribution system facilitates the use and re-use of content in varying contexts. (2007, NSDL Annual Meeting)
  • OnRamp: Use, Re-use, and Re-purposing - Explores how two projects within OnRamp, Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears eZine and White Board Report, have created original content (use), and used it in multiple contexts within the projects (re-use), and then found new ways to use the content outside of thier projects (re-purpose). (2008 NSDL Annual Meeting)
  • Creating an eZine with OnRamp - Presents the process and infrastructure that was used to create Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears eZine. (2008 NSDL Annual Meeting)

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