TNS Internal:NDR/TOC
From NSDLWiki
NDR Documentation Table of Contents
NDR Internal Discussions
Starting point for all internal discussions related to NDR. (internal)
- link to NDR-API Development [TOC] - discussions NDR API development (internal)
NDR API Internal Discussions
Starting point for all internal discussions related to NDR-API. (internal)
NDR-API v2.0 Development Process
Discussions specific to 2.0 development. (internal)
- link to final description from meetings (internal)
- link to Online NDR-API 2.0 Reference [TOC] - Online NDR-API 2.0 Reference -- official draft specifications (public)
- link to NDR-API 2.0 Features List [TOC] - complete list of all changes required in support of NDR-API 2.0
- History
NDR-API v3.0 Development Process
Discussions specific to 3.0 proposed feature list. (internal)
NDR-API 2.0 Features List
Complete list of all changes required in support of NDR-API 2.0.
- links to NDR Enhancements - including support of user supplied identifiers, dynamically built search, storing primary content, etc.
- links to NDR API Documentation - callName [TOC] - links to each individual API call's specification (public)
- links to NDR API Implementation - callName [TOC] - general discussions about the implementation of this call (internal)
Online NDR-API 2.0 Reference
Official draft specifications. (public)
NDR API Conceptual Framework
Discussion of the philosophy behind 2.0 composite objects and API Requests. (public)
- link to NDR API Conceptual Framework - Community Discussion [TOC] - discussion and comment by the community of the conceptual framework. (public)
NDR API Conceptual Framework - Community Discussion
Discussion and comments by the community of the Conceptual Framework. (public)
- link to NDR API Conceptual Framework [TOC] - link back to framework document describing the philosophy behind 2.0 composite objects and API Requests. (public)
API Requests By Object and API Requests Alphabetical
Lists API Requests by object (public) and alphabetical, respectively (not publicly exposed until finalized)
NDR API Requests - Community Discussion
Discussion and comments by the community of the API Requests as a whole. (public)
- link to API Requests By Object [TOC] - link back to list API Requests (public)
- link to NDR API Conceptual Framework [TOC] - discussion of the philosophy behind 2.0 composite objects and API Requests. (public)
- link to NDR API Conceptual Framework - Community Discussion [TOC] - discussion and comment by the community of the conceptual framework. (public)
NDR API Documentation - callName (example)
Specification for a single API request. (public)
- link to NDR API Community Discussion - callName [TOC] - discussion and comments by the community for this API call's specification (public)
- courtesy link to NDR API Conceptual Framework [TOC] - discussion of the philosophy behind 2.0 composite objects and API requests. (public)
- courtesy links to v1 Online Reference links (public)
- courtesy links to v2 by object and by alpha (public)
- link to NDR API Implementation - callName [TOC] - general discussions about the implementation of this call (internal)
- link to NDR API Implementation - objectType object [TOC] - general discussions about the implementation of the primary object type affecting this call (internal)
NDR API Community Discussion - callName (example)
Discussion and comments by the community for a specific API call specification. (public)
- link to NDR API Documentation - callName [TOC] - link back to each this API call's specification (public)
NDR API Implementation - callName (example)
Discussion of the implementation details for a call. (internal)
- courtesy link to NDR API Conceptual Framework [TOC] - discussion of the philosophy behind 2.0 composite objects and API requests. (public)
- link to NDR API Documentation - callName [TOC] - link to this call's specification (public)
- link to NDR API Implementation - objectType object [TOC] - general discussions about the implementation of the primary object type affecting this call (internal)
- implementation details for this specific call
NDR API Implementation - objectType object (example)
Discussion of the implementation details for an object type which will affect all API Requests related to this object type. (internal)
- courtesy link to NDR API Conceptual Framework [TOC] - discussion of the philosophy behind 2.0 composite objects and API requests. (public)
- implementation details that are common for all API Requests for this object type
- courtesy links to NDR API Implementation - callName for each call related to this object type [TOC] - general discussions about the implementation of a specific call (internal)